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Brown Patches




I've visited a friend's house yesterday and there are brown areas in his lawn. Those areas have no green grasses and thus it looks to me as they are brown patches on the lawn. What do you do when you have this kind of problem? Is it the soil that has the problem or is it the type of grass for that kind of soil that needs to be look at?




Heat, water, nutrients, insects, fungus and soil Ph all have impact on plants... any of these will be off at any given time, they could all be off a little, that will cause some stress in the plant... Having them all off a little can cause things to be so marginally ok for the grass that any additional change could cause it to go dormant or if enough change could kill it... KennyV




I've visited a friend's house yesterday and there are brown areas in his lawn. Those areas have no green grasses and thus it looks to me as they are brown patches on the lawn. What do you do when you have this kind of problem? Is it the soil that has the problem or is it the type of grass for that kind of soil that needs to be look at?

What type of grass are we talking about? Is it St.Augustine?




If most of the lawn looks ok, except for some patches, it is probably grubs. They munch the grass roots and can kill off small areas of grass.




What type of grass are we talking about? Is it St.Augustine?

I can't remember what type of grass was it but I think it's a Bermuda. There were just a few patches and those areas stand out because the rest of the lawn is all green. VRman might be right about the grubs but it could also be one of the causes that Kenny enumerated.




I can't remember what type of grass was it but I think it's a Bermuda. There were just a few patches and those areas stand out because the rest of the lawn is all green. VRman might be right about the grubs but it could also be one of the causes that Kenny enumerated.

If it is Bermuda Grass it will have a very low heat tolerance and be prone to heat stress and turn brown. It also when cut with a rotary mower turn brown for a few days and then green back up, I have several patches in my yard and have the same problem. Something to remember is to water Bermuda daily or as much as possible as it really likes the water.




Thanks Ric. That explains why the lawn has no more patches when I visited this friend of mine yesterday. The heat could have affected the grasses. I never thought that Bermuda is that sensitive.




We have had this problem too. I think it's the weed killer that we put around the flower beds, it just got in other places. I just put down grass seed and water it nightly.




Could just be the heat... is it really hot? If so be sure to water it often so it doesn't all die off. You can also use a fertilizer on the spots.




Thinking of the heat, does anyone here keep keep a watering line down or are you hand watering your yards? Right now we are really thinking about it but I hate the darn prices.




Thinking of the heat, does anyone here keep keep a watering line down or are you hand watering your yards? Right now we are really thinking about it but I hate the darn prices.

I have a sprinkler system that I run Twice a week and It actually runs pretty cheap because we are on a Reclaimed watering system.




we are on a Reclaimed watering system.

Very practical irrigation ...:thumbsup:
How large of a system is it, how many homes are serviced in your comunity and how long has it been available ??




I think our water system goes on every other day for about 10 minutes a unit. Someone else usually monitors that which is why I'm not positive on the numbers.




Very practical irrigation ...:thumbsup:
How large of a system is it, how many homes are serviced in your community and how long has it been available ??

I live in a fairly large subdivision of about 1500 homes and at this time over half the homes are watering with Reclaimed water. The system was put into place at the time of construction of the subdivision so it has been in use for a number of years. It's really a great deal because it's a separate charge on the water bill and doesn't affect your home usage. We water the lawn 3am.to 6am. twice weekly and the bill for a month $7.28 can't beat that.:thumbsup: Oh and BTW if anyone plays golf and need golf balls let me know.
