Sorry - you call it regulator I call it stator - but yes all parts new OEM parts....starts/runs/ does not charge battery correction it is a 44T977 - 0015-g1
How are you testing the alternator ?
Which stator do you have the single or double wire job
Is the rectifier ground strap in place ?
What you are calling the stator is what you are calling the alternator. So for correct terminology the stator is under the flywheel and the regulator is what goes between the stator and the battery. Now two things to check. Do you have battery voltage to the battery wire (believe red wire)on the regulator. and does the regulator body have a good ground conection
So lets get this right from the start
3 parts to the charging system'1) flywheel
2) Stator ( coils under the flywheel )
3) regulator / rectifier the box that the wires from the stator plug into.
So what did you replace ?
What did you check ?
How did you test it ?