I looked at your engine parts list and see that it is using a Nikki Dual throat 2 barrel carb.
Setting in the drivers seat looking forward you need to determine which cylinder is dead, right or left. (you did not say which in your description?
You say you have fire to both plugs and the valves are adjusted properly to .005 AND ASSUMING THAT BOTH CYLINDERS HAVE COMPRESSION , at least 80lbs.
Remove the air filter cover and the air filter and look down into the carb throat openings.
You will see a left and a right. They intake are isolated from each other, hint if one side of the carb clogs that cylinder is dead, no fuel.
After you determine which cylinder is dead get a small oil or squirt can for priming the throat that is dead. You are going to give the dead side of the carb a small prime of gas while the engine is idling or running just above idle and if the engine momentarily hits on that cylinder that side of the carb is bad.
This works sometimes to clear the carb but may require removing the carb for a good cleaning later. (this procedure save lots of times and will quite often make it run ok.
Once you determine its the carb, you can then remove the engine air shroud and you will see a triangle shaped 3 SCREWS plate on top of the Nikki dual throat carb carb. Remove the 3 screws and gently peck on the plate and try to lift it without ruining the gasket, but no sweat if the gasket tears it easily made, it's just a flat gasket. If the old gasket comes off ok just wet it with engine oil or vaseline to soften for re-use.
You need to wear safety glasses and take low pressure air of about 25-35 lbs and blow into the channels that are now exposed,
but do not direct inject air pressure. Gas will be blowing up and out two of the vent holes towards your face coming from the bowl and there are also little jet passages that are being cleared.
Re-install the plate and prime the engine and test run for 15 seconds with the air shroud still off. If still dead cylinder due to carb, the carb will need removed and re-built or replaced. If it runs ok install a new fuel filter in the fuel pump fuel supply hose..
Go to this link and look at Briggs & Stratton v-twin Nikki carb part 1 and part two and look at picture #11 in part two about the top plate and the jets and vents. (IF YOU DETERMINE IT'S THE CARB when you do the prime run test)
Let us know if you determine it's the carb and We can send you some rebuild links for the different types of Briggs Nikkis if you need to go into the carb. You can also find some you tube links about this type carb removal/re-install. (one size does not fit all here for re-building/repairing/replacing)