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Brand New Oldie




I am brand new to the lawn care biz but an old dog to several businesses. This will be different adventure for me for sure but one I have thought about for a number of years. I am going through the normal business start up crud right now but am really enjoying getting my gear together ( trailor, racks tools mowers etc.) there is just some cool as heck stuff out there. I am in the deciding stage as far as my main mower goes. I have my old trusty John Deere 425 I have had for years but am negotiating on a Grasshopper ztr. Have a good dealer less than a mile from house and have looked at all of them. All the top end commercial stuff is really good. What gets confusing is understanding the different levels, the " almost commercials" etc. I have learned a bunch about different engines systems etc. Bottom line I want to do this until I retire (again) our market seems pretty saturated it seems many people that have been laid off decided to mow grass. Still I think there is room for a small guy with really good equipment and reputation to get plenty of work. I ll find out soon enough.....


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

GOOD LUCK in the business!
