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Best time of year to grow grass




I am wondering if there is a best time of year to grow grass. I have had some good an bad experiences growing grasses. Is it better to do this in the spring, summer or fall. Does it make a difference?




My grass will grow all spring and summer AND fall...:biggrin::biggrin:

But I think you are referring to the best time to plant grass...
Generally the fall is going to be the best time to start grass seed... but if you have an automatic irrigation system the spring will work OK... :smile:KennyV




September is the best month to start grass.




Yes, in the fall is the best time. Make sure the seed fertilizer and food are all compatible, and are conducive to the winter season. Are you planting bluegrass?




Depends on the type of grass you are planting and how much sun you have and wether or not your are overseeding or starting with dirt. I would plant on level ground when you get the most rain and follow the manufacturers instructions.
I would not use pennington seed!




Choose the type of grass for your climate and you can be happily mowing with the rest of us...
Here are a couple videos from one of the oldest and largest seed folks around...
some good tips on starting grass seed...
and after it has started...
Pennington Seed Knowledge Center
Great advice from some good folks... :smile:KennyV
keep on mowing...:thumbsup:




My grass will grow all spring and summer AND fall...:biggrin::biggrin:

But I think you are referring to the best time to plant grass...
Generally the fall is going to be the best time to start grass seed... but if you have an automatic irrigation system the spring will work OK... :smile:KennyV

:laughing: Haha, very funny! Yes I meant plant grass! Looks like I had better get on the move on then! Thank you all for the great advice and replies.
