That's what I think I'll do... I've been researching and the Parker units seem to be heavy duty
Yes they do but getting parts and tools are nearly impossible to repair them. Very few sources for the parts.
I was looking into repairing on the TE wheel motors earlier and bearing install tool has to made by a local machine shop. $$$$. I kinda hoping to call Parker and they might have tool anyways but no SKU to order it by. I think I have found a telephone number for Parker here in Tennessee and I will try calling this coming week.
It does seems like more money goes out the door for parts and tools lately than I charge for out the door for.
As for inflation being down it how you look at it. Things are only going up but at a slower pace. We kinda need some deflation to get back to a normal pricing level. But we got to deal with all the wage increases too now. It one of dang if you do and dang if you don't thing. Otherwords can't win for losing.
And can't blame everything on one person. Lots of people are behind the price increases. Mainly businesses and their workers. Just like are going jack us on the beef prices because the loses in Texas on. Otherwords they want us to pay them for the lost anyway. Since I already avoid beef due the high prices it can just rot in the meat displays for my part. I think the last time I had a steak was two years ago. Everytime they raise the food prices it never goes back down as quickly like fuel prices. Gas goes up very Jack rabbit fast but comes down slower than a snail pace.