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Hello everyone, I'm new here. I have worked on mowers all my life and have always been successful at it until now. I have bought an old murray for my son, was a 1 owner and had been sitting for a while, needed a battery. I put a battery in and it fired right up. Then took it to my son, fired it up, pulled it into his carport and it cut off and hasn't hit a lick since. went ahead and rebuilt carb because when it was running it was rough, bowl was full of grass and float had a hole in it. Got that fixed and checked fire at coil, was real weak so I replaced coil setting gap with a dollar bill and then pulled plug. It was fouled so I replaced it. Now I have no fire so I put old coil back on and still no fire. I then pop flywheel and find a half stator, replaced it and still no fire. So I then check fuse it was blown,pop a new on in and it blows. I then started checking wiring harness and everthing was good so I started jumping safety switches, they all checked out and then I unplugged the hot wire to the stator and fuse did not blow so at this point I'm thinking another bad stator so I replaced the half stator wth a whole stator which had 2 wires as opposed to the half stator with only one. I connected black hot to the black wire on the new one and left red one un-connected, blowed fuse. Then connected black hot to the red wire and left black un-connected, fuse did not blow, starter now engages but the new stator starts smoking. It's got me befuddled but my final thought is the switch is actually grounding out. Would like to get the opinion of some folks that do this day in and day out before I spend any more money on the damned thing




I'm not sure I follow your troubleshooting methods..."
Wiring problems are very straight forward, a VOM will track down any short or open...

Have you checked anything using a meter?
Start at the beginning the battery is it in correctly Negative chassis ground... The charging system seems to be only 'part' of your problem... leave it disconnected until you get the thing running, carb set up & coil producing good spark... then work at the charging system...
It sounds like you may have introduced additional & unrelated problems all along the way.

Welcome to this fun and at times, even helpful forum... :smile:KennyV




"On the d----- thing"...





"On the d----- thing"...


Holy cow, around my house that's not even considered "mild" profanity - it's like profanity for noobs. In fact I wouldn't even think twice about typing that. Guess I'd better watch myself carefully!




I'm not sure I follow your troubleshooting methods..."
Wiring problems are very straight forward, a VOM will track down any short or open...

Have you checked anything using a meter?
Start at the beginning the battery is it in correctly Negative chassis ground... The charging system seems to be only 'part' of your problem... leave it disconnected until you get the thing running, carb set up & coil producing good spark... then work at the charging system...
It sounds like you may have introduced additional & unrelated problems all along the way.

Welcome to this fun and at times, even helpful forum... :smile:KennyV

Yeah, I completely over looked the battery hookup. I was wondering why it swelled up like a football and the side blew out. You would think after 46 yrs. I would learn.




Holy cow, around my house that's not even considered "mild" profanity - it's like profanity for noobs. In fact I wouldn't even think twice about typing that. Guess I'd better watch myself carefully!

What with all the garbage on tv today...it probably is a pretty mild word. But when I was about ten years old, my dad heard me say the s-word (for cow poop) and he told me:

"Son, don't use those kind of words. Profanity is the lauguage of the uneducated and ignorant man". :eek:




"On the d----- thing"...


Forum rules clearly state "post nothing vulgar".....now please keep your flipping language civil....:laughing:




JDgreen said:
Forum rules clearly state "post nothing vulgar".....now please keep your flipping language civil....:laughing:

I remember a certain someone calling his niece an "ungrateful b--ch..." in another thread! :laughing: (without the bleep)




I remember a certain someone calling his niece an "ungrateful b--ch..." in another thread! :laughing: (without the bleep)

I called her a "female dog" in post number 57...that word is NOT profanity....:laughing::laughing:




I called her a "female dog" in post number 57...that word is NOT profanity....:laughing::laughing:

The word you're referring to has been appropriated as vulgar slang -- it's a shame because we've lost our proper term for "female dog".:wink:





The word you're referring to has been appropriated as vulgar slang -- it's a shame because we've lost our proper term for "female dog".:wink:

Maybe if we stop using it to describe people with adjectives like "ungrateful" in front of it, we'll get it back :wink:




Maybe if we stop using it to describe people with adjectives like "ungrateful" in front of it, we'll get it back :wink:

OOOOOOOO....too true. I highly doubt JD was describing a puppy who didn't like her Alpo........that would truly be an "ungrateful b!tch".




OOOOOOOO....too true. I highly doubt JD was describing a puppy who didn't like her Alpo........that would truly be an "ungrateful b!tch".

It's also how I desribe my spouse when she gripes about my cooking. She has no idea of how much work is involved in preparing the frozen pizzas that are my specialty...:laughing:




Yeah, I completely over looked the battery hookup. I was wondering why it swelled up like a football and the side blew out. You would think after 46 yrs. I would learn.

Hey repoman...
Your post took a side track for a moment... I'll try to get you back.
With the battery in backwards and the charging system also working you will have 24 volts where 12 should be...
Just wondering if you got the rest of the problem worked out after you changed the battery?? :smile:KennyV
