Basic rpm question


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2016
The throttle and the choke are 2 different things.
choke is the butterfly at the front of the carb

The throttle is the butterfly at the back of the carb ( nearer to the engine )

Yes, thanks for the clarification; I knew that but got my terms twisted. But my confusion persists. There is no throttle control on this mower. Doesn't that mean it is always at full throttle? The only way to adjust engine speed that I know of is by adjusting the length of the governor spring (bending the tang), which I have done. But, it drops from that adjustment under blade engagement and then more after PPace is engaged.

Update: My neighbor has a newer Toro PPace. His rpm can't be measured no-load because he doesn't have blade brake. Thus, he must engage the blades prior to pulling the starter rope. With my tach, his measured 2880 with blade engagement and 2880 after PPace; no noticeable change in engine sound.. Something (carb maybe; more gas?) kicked in to hold his rpm speed rock steady even after adding the load from rear wheel propulsion. But what?