You are the MAN Jones136! You hit the proverbial nail right on the head! You nailed it, the Muffler WAS clogged!!!
Problem solved, I just have to buy a new muffler, I wanted to use the old one in the meantime so I could use the cutter until I got the new muffler in, but it's clogged so bad it reverts to stalling again and I can't leave the cutter without a muffler not only because it's loud (no one around) but for some reason it over revs when I give it gas ( I didn't mess with the carb's adjustments and the gas cable is not getting stuck!) It might have been adjusted from factory with the muffler in place, what do you think? Will see how it acts when I get and install the muffler.
In all the years I've worked with motors (as an amature of course) I have never actually seen an engine failing to start because of a clogged muffler, it never crossed my mind to do it, also because the cutter is less than two years old! But I have a pretty good idea what could have caused the clogging:
As I mentioned earlier I live in the middle of nowhere, but there's not only lots of grass, there is also lots of insects including BEES, lots mice, lots o snakes, you name them, I have them! And where I stored the "grass cutter" it's not exactly a clean enviroment and free of little spyders and "things", and I think the "culprit" the BEES! Anyhow, thanks again Jones136 and to all you guys, you where a great help indeed!
PA Italy