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absolute best blade for my 1980 R7070??




here's what i'm looking for....the best blade for cutting my grass without bagging....that will allow my mower to perform even if grass is a little damp or a bit taller than i should let it get. not sure what blade is on there right now, but it does clog at times, and i have to lift deck to allow it to puke out the grass. should i be trying to mulch it, or just get a good blade to side discharge it? thanks, Rick




here's what i'm looking for....the best blade for cutting my grass without bagging....that will allow my mower to perform even if grass is a little damp or a bit taller than i should let it get. not sure what blade is on there right now, but it does clog at times, and i have to lift deck to allow it to puke out the grass. should i be trying to mulch it, or just get a good blade to side discharge it? thanks, Rick

Most times it's not the mower or the blade to blame.

Don't cut so low.
Don't wait till the grass is to tall.

To side discharge you want to use a high lift blade.




Most times it's not the mower or the blade to blame.

Don't cut so low.
Don't wait till the grass is to tall.

To side discharge you want to use a high lift blade.

Carscw is right. I have two F engine mowers with the same deck design and I used to make the mistake of cutting my lawn too short. The result was grass plugging up the discharge and /or throwing out clumps. Setting the wheels at a reasonable height will result in a nice even discharge and your lawn will look better for it. It will also look better overall if it has to endure a dry spell like some of us are having right now.

I also have a R7070 which is something of a unique mower. How about posting a photo of yours?




ok, you're probably right on cutting height, i have the wheels set at second to lowest setting. 2smoked, i will snap a couple of pics of my R7070....i'd like to see yours too! Rick




Well, nobody is going to want to hear this....but....The R7070 has a pretty common, standard deck. Where the discharge is, there is a steel stiffener that crosses the discharge area, at the bottom. If you take out that stiffener, you are not going to ever plug the discharge again, no matter WHAT you try to cut. I take mine out all the time and have never seen any cracking in that area. Of course, I don't hit a tree with it going 50 mph, either.

As for the blades, I always run the standard Lawnboy blade. I think their lift is really good.




bwright, I confess. I removed the one out of the 1980 19 inch model that I own. Did not want to admit this for fear of being tarred and feathered by the safety authorities.

i believe that stiffener is referred to as a "toe guard".




the toe guard was removed by me long ago....still experience clogging though.




Wow, you must have some narlly grass!!!




ok, you're probably right on cutting height, i have the wheels set at second to lowest setting. 2smoked, i will snap a couple of pics of my R7070....i'd like to see yours too! Rick

here ya go!!




Very nice condition! I wish the shroud on mine looked as good as yours. Mine is pretty gouged up on the air filter side, but the deck and the motor is in great shape. It is one of the Lawn Boys I own that I like to use the most.




I agree that is a really pretty one. really cool. I also feel this type is the best of all to actually mow grass with. More power than the D-engines but still a very light weight mower.




I get the BEST results in side-discharge on my Lawnboy mowers by using the most current Lawnboy (brand) or clone blade that mounts without a stiffener, and I don't use the mulch fan. I can mow thru anything and only on the tallest grass do I get any clumping. I mow everything at 3rd position from lowest setting, with lowest setting being 1st position. Also, I sharpen the blade several times a season.
