First off, thanks for letting me join this site. My name is Al, and I've been in Small Engine Repair for about 18-19 years. Used to work at a local shop, been to all the major update schools years ago. Had to retire due to health reasons, but now have a small shop at home helping out neighbors and friends. I've seen a lot in my years, but never too old to learn something new. Hope to get involved with this forum as time and learning how to navigate this website allows. Again, thanks for the invite !! Man, there's a lot of buttons on this page to push...kinda scary...
Hi Al. Welcome to the forum. Happy to have you here!
Hi Al and Welcome to LMF! I've been tinkering around with small engines
for over 40 years and still learn something new in spite of myself. Used to
work for Sears back in the late 80's and early 90's. Like you I just do work
at home etc. Hang out at my friend's shop down the road a few miles and
bug them. Sometimes they'll put me to work! Hey! That's a 4 letter word.
It's a joke with him and his mechanic that they tried to have me arrested.
For what? Stealing mowers? NO! For trying to "Impersonate A Mechanic!" :laughing: