changed your avatar, but not you IQ.....:laughing:
I found a use for could use it to "RUB ONE OUT":shocked:
twall, are you on drugs or just f------ with this guy?:laughing: WD40 has NO place on a spark plug! For that matter anywhere on a mower at all...maybe a throttle cable.
So,Your mower that is producing "white smoke", is what I would call unburned fuel & too much oil in it. The simplest answer is usually the right one, Drain your oil....and refill it to the right level. (use 10w30) Change the spark plug(with a NEW one) and replace the air filter!
I know it was OT..I did read the whole thing. I know that you know better, that was meant for him. But I miss seeing you on tha RE JD.....and was just fn with you.
And no wd40 was not made for army,it was made for NASA to remove moisture from back areas of the spaceship(I don't recall the exact name and area)
twall said:Then don't correct me if you don't have the facts in are arrogant and ignorant....a dangerous combo.......maybe Cajun can copy+paste the scientific info on THAT, and then tell me I'm stupid....:biggrin:
Sir/mam I am not trying to offend you and you can think whatever u want to about me I do not care,i did not say nor did I imply the fact of wether you are stupid or not, have a nice evening!