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Nothing wrong is there?




Nothing wrong if you find the other half of the mower blade, carefully weld it the found end on, file off most of the weld, sharpen it, and balance it. Or simply buy a new blade !!!!

I've never had that happen and I mow tumbleweeds, not a lawn.....




That would require a lot work as the star has to be remade. Besides it is just easier to put on a couple $5 blades since they been on there on there over 10 years.

How it stay on there as long it did is something else for that heat treated blade.




is something else for that heat treated blade.
Look how this the blade is, all the way down. No wonder it broke. Definitely not an Oregon blade LOL.




that must be one of those safety blades, if you get your foot under there, only a 50% chance of it getting cut off.




Look how this the blade is, all the way down. No wonder it broke. Definitely not an Oregon blade LOL.
Actually it was Sunbelt XHT blade but Oregon I replaced it with look same design wise except the Oregon are not heat treated. Now of course some think a blade to last their lifetime too. I think cutting 5 acres every week it would had worn a long time ago but it was only slightly worn.
that must be one of those safety blades, if you get your foot under there, only a 50% chance of it getting cut off.
I don't about that but sure was a weight loss version the way the mower shook. Even my neighbor in his house 500 ft away heard it with his bad hearing.




Actually it was Sunbelt XHT blade but Oregon I replaced it with look same design wise except the Oregon are not heat treated. Now of course some think a blade to last their lifetime too. I think cutting 5 acres every week it would had worn a long time ago but it was only slightly worn.

I don't about that but sure was a weight loss version the way the mower shook. Even my neighbor in his house 500 ft away heard it with his bad hearing.
Its like those old weight loss shaking machines




The burning question is where is the other 1/2
Had a customer with a Lawn World 60" that did that with the middle blade taking the right one with it + all 4 spindle bearings .
Couple of weeks latter he was complaining I did a bad job because the deck was shaking .
Same story 2 broken blades + 4 new bearings , big argument about "warranty " so I just charged for the parts .
Third time I asked him where it started to happen and sure enough there were 3 1/2 blades in the grass with chop marks in them .
Ex-customer demanded a 3rd set free under warranty I told him to piss off .
He made a complaint to the consumer affairs but I had the photos of the blades as found in the grass so that got nowhere .




Currently both blade halves are on my work bench as making a couple tools out of them. When blade it came out in from of the mower in an area that was already so it was easy to find.

Just a complete a court case where the customer was pissed that I had his ATV for four months while I was awaiting parts. Yes it was non moveable due the front end disassembled. 2008 model he was complaining of sun damage. Ended giving away the labor just to get him out my of hair. Instead talking to me he sued so now he is barred from my shop; although, acted as if he wanted to bring something else in. Forgot that. A $2000 repair cost me $1500 when court costs was added but at I got most of my money for the $1200 in parts. I got in cash $1147. Court got $300. And I lost all the labor; 10+ hours. He wanted a warranty during the trial so I gave a 30 day parts only warranty on the installed parts; otherwords, I not covering labor to install new parts if they fail.

He thinks a 2008 Kawasaki ATV should not age and most of us know plastics will age and deteriorate on their own over time. One of the reasons I will not touch removing plastics during cold weather; just too fragile.


Tiger Small Engine

Tiger Small Engine

The burning question is where is the other 1/2
Had a customer with a Lawn World 60" that did that with the middle blade taking the right one with it + all 4 spindle bearings .
Couple of weeks latter he was complaining I did a bad job because the deck was shaking .
Same story 2 broken blades + 4 new bearings , big argument about "warranty " so I just charged for the parts .
Third time I asked him where it started to happen and sure enough there were 3 1/2 blades in the grass with chop marks in them .
Ex-customer demanded a 3rd set free under warranty I told him to piss off .
He made a complaint to the consumer affairs but I had the photos of the blades as found in the grass so that got nowhere .
Some customers have unrealistic expectations. Some customers have gone through several shops, and now it is our turn. Some customers cannot be pleased. I really enjoy the vast majority of my customers. That said, this year is a record and have fired 5 customers so far and the year is not over.



Honest Abe

View attachment 69726
Nothing wrong is there?
there's an old saying, "if it ain't broke don't........", oh wait forget that.....




there's an old saying, "if it ain't broke don't........", oh wait forget that.....
