I have a 8 hp Briggs that clangs very badly when it starts up I would love to know what it is the motor sits on a jd r70 and it is tied at full throughtle but when the clanging occurred I took it off full throughtle and it still makes a horrid clang if you have any ideas please let me know I have never Sean this before and I got it when I was ten
Clanging could be a rod getting ready to turn loose. or could also be the anti vibe counterweight has broken loose and is rattling around inside the engine. You may have to take it apart and figure it out.
Check the engine mounting bolts. They could be loose.
I have checked the engine mount bolts and they where loose so I tightened them up but it clangs even worse I don't know I might have to take the engine apart but I was really trying to avoid that
post the engine model numbers, it may be a broken counterweight link...
Well, take the plug and rotate the flywheel back and forth, and try to get some clunking, and then try to discern that it is from the engine. Unhook all of the belts attached too, and make sure it is not on the mower.
Oh I feel so stupid It is the deck I tried to check the engine and it made no noise so I put the spark plug in and started it and there was no clunk so I thought if put it back together and go and as I started it up again it made a faint nock so I decided I'd better check the deck and the bearings in the deck are wore but know I'm wondering if I did something wrong because the deck bearings are only 2 years old