I do a ten acre lot every month and I charge $80.00 per acre. I use a walco douglas 6 foot finishing mower and it takes about 4 hours to finish. So it comes out to $200.00/hr. Not bad money. What are you using to do the mowing?
An associate of mine does a high school field about 8.5 acres with 2 cub cadet ztr's and it takes him 3 hours. I don't know what he charges because it's by yearly bid for the contract including snow plowing and salting which I do not do. Here is a photo of the equipment I used to first cut the field and send it to you.
The going rate around here is $45 per hr but that is for bushhogging usually plowing is a seperate charge. I would hate to give you bad advice sometimes you just have to wing it, and let them know up front you might have to make some adjustments on the cost. You can get to a price that you, and the customer are happy with. But dont sell yourself short.