Managed to purchase a 36" mower which is identical to the bradley or redhawk version. Paid very little for it and looks in great condition. Has anyone used these in hard graft, and if so what are they like. Looks a heavy machine at 280 kg. Built like a tank.
uk gardening
This is the machine.
Really good condition
uk gardening
Another picture
Looks good. It has no stikers tho.
uk gardening
Gave it a grease up and first pull it works superb.
Its in superb condition for age
It looks mint! And it's a hydro! Very nice!
Who makes it?
uk gardening
Im pretty sure these were american made then built in china.
Everything on it is really solid. It looks identical in every way to a bradley. Going to put a vid on youtube using it next week.
Im pretty sure these were american made then built in china.
Everything on it is really solid. It looks identical in every way to a bradley. Going to put a vid on youtube using it next week.
Will have pictures of a home made sulky we are making for this machine next week. Had some heavy duty front zero turn mower wheels spare, and my dads welding a frame up tomorrow.
Will have pictures of a home made sulky we are making for this machine next week. Had some heavy duty front zero turn mower wheels spare, and my dads welding a frame up tomorrow.
Used the machine on a nice sized paddock area today with 3 inch grass. What a fantastic cut this machine gives. Every single thing works as it should. Measured up for welding the sulky into place. Pictures to follow and video on youtube next week.
Can't wait to see pictures!
uk gardening
Frame nearly alk done. Few more welds then primer and red paint.
Made it so it pivots over bumps etc.