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3214 mcculloch chainsaw wont prime




I came across this saw and wanted to fix it at low cost just for light use
The fuel lines were gone so i installed new one replaced the primer and also rebuilt the carb but it wont prime very well when i prime it the primer stays sucked in and doesnt come out till about 4 minutes or so




Either you have a restriction someplace in the fuel system, IE pinched line, or you have the fuel lines reversed someplace.




I thought they were pinched but i took everything out and tried it with the fuel lines out side the saw and primed and it still does the same thing the fuel lines are new and the carb is rebuilt
Could it be the carb is no good?




Could be something wrong with the carb, but I think a higher chance that the lines are reversed at either the carb or the primer. I think most primers are set up with the short fuel pin comes from carb, and the long pin is the return line to the tank. Can check primer connections by putting finger over one of the pins on the primer and pushing the primer. If it stays in then that is the intake port for the primer. If it is hard to compress the primer that should be the return line to the tank.

Line from tank with filter goes to fuel port on carb closest to the pump diaphragm, the other port closest to the diaphragm with the metal disc goes to primer.




I have changed the hoses all kinds of ways i took it to my dealer and they said the hoses were right
One thing i noticed was that the l and h mixture screws were all the way in? Could that be a hint that the carb is bad?
And how much is a new carb?




I have changed the hoses all kinds of ways i took it to my dealer and they said the hoses were right
One thing i noticed was that the l and h mixture screws were all the way in? Could that be a hint that the carb is bad?
And how much is a new carb?

and did you turn them out 1 1/4 each?




Yeah i did turn them out




I came across this saw and wanted to fix it at low cost just for light use
The fuel lines were gone so i installed new one replaced the primer and also rebuilt the carb but it wont prime very well when i prime it the primer stays sucked in and doesnt come out till about 4 minutes or so

It couldn't hurt to take the primer bulb off and clean under it and the orifices as well. I've seen them clogged up now and again. The blockage under the primer bulb could be preventing it from expanding back outwards. Hope this helps.




this carb doesn't have the primer bulb screwed to the carb it has fuel lines from the primer going to the carb




When you say fuel lines does that include the fuel filter. Because if you have a clogged filter that could be causing it.



engine repairs

Have you tried operating the primer bulb on its own. Disconnect it from the chainsaw and try pressing it while its in a tub of petrol and see if it pick up any petrol sometimes the primer bulbs have small holes that can occur in the rubber which can allow air to enter meaning it will not work properly
