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22HP OHV Briggs sucks fuel filter dry.




22 horse Briggs will run great but sucks fuel filter dry. Tank vent is not stopped up. If I take fuel hose off before fuel pump I get good flow. If I take fuel hose off after pump I also get good flow. But while I am mowing the fuel filter will have less and less fuel until the mower starves itself for fuel and dies. am I looking at a carb problem?

441777 0116 E1




Here's what I would try. Take the filter out of the fuel line either by using a piece of tubing to replace the filter or along piece of fuel line and see if it solves the problem. If it does replace the filter, if not probably the fuel pump is the cause. Also you can try running with a loose fuel cap. Vent may look good but still be the cause.




Have seen fuel filters clog and not allow fuel through and will act just as you subscribe.




I put a brand new filter on and tried another fuel pump I had on hand. New filter is John Deere see through filter and old filter is red Briggs disc type filter. I put old one back on and it ran longer but still same thing.




Fuel filters are dirctional. Make sure it is installed correctly. It is also possible to have something at the bottom of the tank that moves and blocks off the flow. You may want to drain and remove the tank and make sure it is clean. We get a lot of crap in the gas today.




Fuel filter is installed correctly thanks to the arrow. Haha. I will verify that there is nothing in tank but when I pull the fuel hose off of the pump I have good flow with just gravity. I think maybe it is a carb issue or weak fuel pump. Not sure how good the flow should be coming out of the pump though.




Pump sounds weak... Check all connections....




The vacuum hose coming from the valve cover to the pump has a very small tear. You can't even tell its there unless you take hose off and bend it. Would that be enough to make the pump that weak.




That would do it.



Raw Dodge

That would definetely do it! I have 30 golf carts here with pulse vacuum fuel pumps and just the smallest pinhole is all it takes and they act the same way!




Thanks guys I will fix that and let y'all know




bwestbrook said:
22 horse Briggs will run great but sucks fuel filter dry. Tank vent is not stopped up. If I take fuel hose off before fuel pump I get good flow. If I take fuel hose off after pump I also get good flow. But while I am mowing the fuel filter will have less and less fuel until the mower starves itself for fuel and dies. am I looking at a carb problem?

441777 0116 E1

Check needle & seed in carburater dirty or sticky. Could easely happen after stored for long time




Boom there it is!!!!!!!!!!




Well vacuum hose was not it. I have the carb off and will clean it tomorrow.




Check needle & seed in carburater dirty or sticky. Could easely happen after stored for long time

Needle & Seed?..lol

Whoaaa' now PJ, I think you meant Needle & Seat? But oh ya' if not, a seed inside the carb could make for some big problems for any Briggs. Especially if its a great brigg ol' tree seed. Sorry ' I had to say it..
Sorry' PJ I mean no offense but its been on here since 2012 without a peep I see. I had to end it..lol

Good point here and same issue here. So' I finally pulled my carb bowl off and its all clean inside & all is working fine but yet' still same issue! Mostly its a dry filter but starts/runs, it started missing first & noticed it had maybe 1/8th a thimble of fuel inside my filter at the very most while its running so I'm sure its running way too lean! Been through all the options posted here so a weak pump is most likely my issue too. Almost 100hrs (200 on mower 2006) again on 2nd pump so maybe it's pump replacement time anyway? Idk how long these pumps should last honestly. Not long it seems?
Most of our 1.5 acre mowing is still done with my old Wheel Horse since its faster mowing than this one. This Husq is my wife's mower just to mow whenever she wants to work outside. Assumed it had some sediment in its bowl at 200+ hrs but it was simply spotless inside. Since I run only top-tier fuel in all my engines it really does helps clean a fuel system out, there are just no doubts as I've seen it first hand on our vehicles too.

So now what? 1st Pump lasted 130hrs and 2nd pump lasted only 78hrs. Yes pumps are very cheap but does anyone recommend certain pump brand/design options so I can possibly better things? Sure don't last like my Kohler mechanical pump by any means, its 40yrs old & still going strong.. What is best, simply buy another OEM "Again"?, Buy cheapest pump located since they don't last long anyway (look same outside, junk inside idk??), Just change over to electric pump?
What's the best route to go with these without high conversion costs? Unlike today's manufacturers who design products to fail a bit too soon for profits, I'm more about long term reliability/durability of things than anything else so if something can actually be upgraded, sometimes its worth all the hoops & hassles one faces to change it all. Just my honest opinion in most cases, not always, we all know what's happening to our world. Seen some cheap pumps online but I mean just too scary cheap, know what I mean Vern?
Thank you all in advance. Great site too!

Watch the summer Heat folks, lost a friend from it a few yrs back it sneaks up extremely fast, so drink lots of fluids the night before & the day of.
A few more ounces may save your arse my friend!




When I bought the repair business 5 years ago I inherited a box full of brand new fuel pumps and a box of used fuel pumps.
In that time I have only ordered 2 because the Honda GX620 takes a unique sized pump and the box of new pumps now has one more in it.
IT is very rare for an impulse pump to go bad provided it is fitted properly.
The impulse line is the one in the middle and the intake is the one directly under it while the output is all lonely on the other side all by itself.
The cheap ones have a single check valve which can get stuck and the expensive ones have 2 check valves so pump near twice as much.

OTOH they are all made in China. Chinese factories that make cheap parts do not allow for defective parts.
So all of the parts that Briggs, Kohler, Stens, Lonsin, Ducar, Oregon, Prime Line, or Rotary reject end up on Amazon , Ebay or Craigs List.

Try a new filter, or fitting the filter backwards.
The inlet is at the very end of the outer case but the outlet is at the free end of the element.
Thus you can get an airlock in the filter.
They filter exactly the same in either direction but backwards you can not see the debris building up so you just change them annually.

You could also have a blocked air vent in the carb,
The bowl has an air hole so it can vent otherwise you either get a pressure build up in the bowl and the pump can not overcome it or you get a vacuum and the fuel can not flow.

The easy way to eliminate the pump & filter is to rig up a spare tank suspended higher than the carb
If the engine behaves the same when gravity feed then the problem is in the carb.

To check the filter / pump remove the fuel line at the carb and crank the engine till the fuel fills a container, about a cup is a good size.
Time how long it takes then time how long it takes for a gravity discharge tank to fill the same cup with the fuel passing through the same filter.

Water can destroy a fuel filter , It blocks the pores of the paper.




I was having the same issue. I got 25 foot of fuel line off eBay and some new clamps and replaced all likes from the tank to the pump, pump to the valve and pump to the carb. 40 micron fuel filter in the right direction and you should have no flow issues. Also, if you have a fuel shutoff valve you might as well replace at the same time. Unless you run ethanol free or treated fuel the lines will degrade and tear over time.




Thank you folks, I'll see what I can learn..:thumbsup:




Hi folks,
First off I want to thank you all for helping me out..
Secondly I posted a video I hit on explaining how to diagnose fuel issues on riding mowers with a fuel pump (see link). Its shows a Kohler engine but they are the same setup and same pump as the Briggs engines so it should help someone.

3rd and final, my problem is fixed and it was indeed the fuel pump failing so I got a new one & now my filter is completely full regardless being under a load or not it's filter stays full of fuel.

I really don't know how my mower was even running, but at the very least it should have been harder to start but no' it started up just like normal hot/cold. What mine was doing was missing just a little bit while under a load but it was very slight and not constant. That miss has now stopped so that was indeed caused by my pump failing to supply enough fuel. I actually put a new set of plugs in last week thinking one was misfiring but got no change and on further evaluation I then noticed my fuel filter was not filling up. Had there not been a filter or a non clear filter to see my fuel flow it's no telling how long or how much I'd spent chasing that tiny miss down before it simply stopped running and then would discover the pump was the problem.

Now' folks when I say its filter wasn't filling up I mean it only had maybe a thimble full of fuel at the very most while at idle so it was running super lean under load. If you take a fuel filter and only fill the nipple full on it with fuel then add about 4/5 drops in it, that's just about how much fuel was in my filter when I watched for fuel flow while mowing. Its crazy but I could not see any fuel flowing through it at all but it was running/mowing so I know it was flowing but it was just running on fumes mostly, my power was pretty much normal too I noticed even mowing up my big steep hill to test it. These engines must really be serious fuel mizers is my only guess?
Well' I'm all good here now and I thank you all for helping me out, great website I'm so glad I found it & you are all greatly appreciated. So' here is the link to the video I mentioned showing fuel system diagnosing:thumbsup:. He does a really good job imo so I thought it may help some members to diagnose some related fuel problems. Thanks again!!

