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2 more questions about the Husqvarna LGT2654




I’ve been cleaning up the mower after it sat outside for a couple of years as some of you know. I appreciate all the help by the way. It has a Kohler KT746. The fuel line doesn’t look to bad but I’m replacing it anyway just haven’t got that far. The mower starts and runs but when I engage the blades and put a load on it it runs rough and I have to pull the choke lever just a little to keep it going. I have the new fuel hose but there’s another hose that runs next to the fuel hose. Looks like vacuum hose. Goes from the carb. Back to the top of the fuel tank. What is this hose called exactly and it’s function? I can’t find it on a parts look up. And it does look bad. Weathered and cracked. Is it just a vent hose? Will it affect the way the engine is running?
After I replace everything if it’s still not right I was going to pull the carburetor and clean it or do y’all think I should go ahead and clean it? I hate pulling the carburetors on these. I don’t know why I remove and clean all three carburetors on my outboard no problem. Just haven’t done many of these and it’s been a long time since I’ve worked on a big Kohler. Things change and my old rear end don’t keep up.
I appreciate everyone’s help during this adventure.




Mower engines run on the idle jet until you engage the blades or start driving up a hill
That is why the engine speeds are called "low Idle " & "high idle"
So you have a problem with the main jet or the fuel supply to the float bowl.

The tube you are asking about is the tank vent.
EPA regulations now require the tanks to be closed to the atmosphere so no fuel vapour can escape which of course will cause all life on the planet to end.
The stupidity of this is these systems failing cause more fuel to be spilled than what would evaporate out of a tank by a factor of probably around a thousand if not more .
Same story with you float bowl vent being on the engine side of the carb so you do not know the float valve has failed till smoke pours out of the exhaust and the sump has 1 qt of oil & 3 qts of petrol in it most of which will end up evaporating because no home owner has liquid volatile waste disposal gear, in fact very few workshops have them either .
So I tip the petrol diluted oil into my waste oil drum and eventually it all evaporates .




Mower engines run on the idle jet until you engage the blades or start driving up a hill
That is why the engine speeds are called "low Idle " & "high idle"
So you have a problem with the main jet or the fuel supply to the float bowl.

The tube you are asking about is the tank vent.
EPA regulations now require the tanks to be closed to the atmosphere so no fuel vapour can escape which of course will cause all life on the planet to end.
The stupidity of this is these systems failing cause more fuel to be spilled than what would evaporate out of a tank by a factor of probably around a thousand if not more .
Same story with you float bowl vent being on the engine side of the carb so you do not know the float valve has failed till smoke pours out of the exhaust and the sump has 1 qt of oil & 3 qts of petrol in it most of which will end up evaporating because no home owner has liquid volatile waste disposal gear, in fact very few workshops have them either .
So I tip the petrol diluted oil into my waste oil drum and eventually it all evaporates .
Thanks for answering my questions. The carburetors on my old outboard work in a similar fashion. I’m still going to have to replace the vent hose because if it’s breaking down then I’ll have pieces back in the fuel tank I suppose. I don’t want to remove the tank just get to where I can change the hoses. Is there a way to remove the deck height cover?
You really hit a nerve when you said EPA. The new portable fuel tanks for outboard motors don’t have a vent you can open so it can release pressure. They have a one way vent that lets air in when running the motor. When you’re not running it they swell up like a balloon and are supposed to release pressure when above 5psi. Thats when they do work.
A lot of people are having gas spraying in there boats, carburetors flooding and gas being pushed into the water. I had to put a shut off valve on my fuel line to keep it from getting to the carburetors. And keep an eye on the tank so when it swelled up I crack the cap a little and easy the pressure off.
Its scary to be busy fishing and look down and see the fuel tank look like it’s about to bust.
They claim they’re built for the swelling but I don’t trust the vent to release at 5psi.
Sorry for the off topic rant. But the EPA really stepped in it this time.




right on topic
All of this is supposed to reduce pollution but every step they take they make it worse.
The tragedy on this is it will kill people ( well the boats tanks very well could ) and they clots that are doing this are being paid with your tax dollars .




right on topic
All of this is supposed to reduce pollution but every step they take they make it worse.
The tragedy on this is it will kill people ( well the boats tanks very well could ) and they clots that are doing this are being paid with your tax dollars .
When I first started rebuilding the old boat I wanted to be compliant and spent a fortune on the fuel line they make you use for boats. And included (all made by Attwood because they have the paten ) a fuel demand valve between the tank and engine that’s only supposed to let fuel flow when the engine demands it and their EPA no leak quick connectors. The valve didn’t work and the connectors sprayed fuel everywhere. Around $80 down the tubes.
I’m back to the old connectors with my shut off valve. I’m about finished with the boat and the tank has to sit next to the rod storage. Im going to build a small shelter that shades the tank from the sun with the ends open for air flow but the sides will keep fuel from covering my gear it a fitting or the tank gives.
So much for the new flooring though if it does.
