I had both the blade and the blower. The blower is the way to go, if you can find an affordable one. The blade can beat the hell out of the machine if you're not experienced and somewhat gentle. I have stood the machine up on the front wheels many times when the blade grabs. The same can be with the blower. Don't bite off more than the machine can chew. Go over area twice rather than trying to clear deep, heavy snow all at once. The upkeep on the blower is typical. Keep it clean and lubricated. Either way, practice when there is no snow, push an object like a plastic garbage can around the driveway.
If you're in the northern states, you'll need, at least chains, on the rear wheels. Probable wheel weights also. I did in lower Michigan. The weight of the blade\blower pulls the weight off the rear of the machine. You are going to be shifting For\Rev very often. Make sure drive belts are in good shape. I was able to blow a 200 foot driveway without stopping with the blower. Not true with the blade. Blower gets rid of the snow, blade has to push it just off to the side. Mounting either was about the same, once you figure it out. I also filled my rear tires with RV antifreeze for added weight and traction. Also give an nicer ride all year long.
If you can, I would suggest getting a blower, wheel weights and a set of chains. Have fun, make some money and be very safe.