hey im new to this forum, just wanted to know why my rider mower doesn't start
its a white and has got a 16hp intek motor, it keeps trying to crank (i can see the engine spin slowly when i crank), until the battery runs out of juice and doesn't crank anymore
one thing is that the mower hasn't been used in 2 years, however the battery is new and the spark plug looks fine and the oil looks brown, also air filter is in decent condition.
what else can i do??
if it has set without use for 2 years the gas is problably gummed up the carb with varnish and may need to be cleaned.
All the same principles as any car engine, only on a smaller scale and without the electronics. Clean out the carb and try again. If you can work on a car engine, this will be a no brainer for you. :thumbsup:
I charged the new battery fully, same problem, it tries to crank but doesn't fire up.
I'm trying to clean the carb, however am confused as how to remove the bottom bowl (as shown in this pic), there is a smooth metallic that is wired as a ground which i cannot take off where the nut should be??
I used to have a White with the 14.5hp on it, otherwise very similar. The drain plug should be on the other side of the motor, probably under the starter. Mine came with a nify little plastic "trough" that snapped under the drain plug to keep the oil from spilling all over the frame. I extended mine out to the frames edge with galvanized pipe.
I really think you'll end up cleaning the entire carb, so my suggestion is to simply remove it. Once you get it off, you may find a clue as to how the bowl is secured to the carb body. It may be just threaded on, kinda like an oil filter.
so i replaced the oil, oil filter, air filter, fuel filter, cleaned the carb bowl and float, confirmed float moves up and down freely, and my fuel lines leading up to the carb are clean.
still doesn't start , i even replaced the spark plug
still the same thing, engine spins when i hold the key, but doesn't fire, i removed the spark plug completely and the same thing happens, engine spins but doesn't fire
also the oil light sometimes comes on but only occasionally when im trying to start the engine?
Stop throwing money at this machine until you pinpoint the problem or problems.
Great job on the photos. They really help a lot.
My sugestion would be to make sure you have spark by removing the spark plug and turning the motor over. You should be able to see and here the plug fire. If the plug fires, go back to the carb and clean it, not the bowl. Cean the jets, there are more than one. Get a can of Berrymans B12 chemtool at walmart or your favorite parts store. Don't use cheap carb cleaner it makes a difference.
Using the little tube that comes with the can, spray the primary jet and every other one you can find. If you are confident the carb is as clean as you can get it, reassemble and try to start using starter fliud.
Make sure the gas tank is clean and free of contaminants.
If there is no improvement, you may need to replace the carb. But don't buy one unless you are sure that the existing one is bad.
If the plug doesn't fire leave the carb alone until you get spark:wink:
Spray in a little starter fluid and see if it fires at all. It is newer and has electronic ignition so spark is prob not the prob. If the fluid does not do it dump about 2 tb spoons of gas in the carb and see if it fires. And if this does not work start check wire such as the kill wire to the magneto to the seat and the brake. Is gas getting to the carb and through the bowl of the carb?
thanks for all the help guys, but im a little confused as to where the "jets" are located? is is the screw that holds the bowl in place?
also i did find new fuel in the bowl, so im guessing fluid is reaching the carb
i cleaned the fuel tank and fuel lines and filled up the tank with fresh fuel to create gravitational load.
where would i put the starter fluid, in the tank?
it does have electronic ignition, but im thinking the ignition wire is bad? how would i test this?
No put the fluid in the air intake. The jet is the thing in the middle of the float it's the hole where the screw goes. You need to spray with carb cleaner or blow with compressor. When you test for spark take the plug out and put the wire back on and then put the tip of the plug on something metal like the shroud and turn the engine over watching for spark if spark great if no then take the shroud off and pull off the kill wire to the magneto and try again if no again then you have magneto failure and that would be your prob. If you have spark and you try the spraying starter fluid then it might be a valve or timing issue but I do not think this is the prob in this case. Cheers
Starter fluid is an airosol product, comes from a can like wd40. Some people call it ether.
It's highly flamable, and already aspirated. Sometimes this will start the carbeuration process and the engine as well.
The spark plug has to be touching ground in order to spark.
You said you had automotive experience so I assumed you knew this.
Your carb body uses engine vacum to pull gas through it, facilitating the fuel air mixture moving into the engine. The bowl simply stores gas for this process. There is a tube from the carb body to the bowl that is obstructed (a guess). You need to find it and remove the obstruction so gas can move through the jet and mix with air so that it can be burned.
Just like an automobile engine ...
All you need is fuel, ignition air and compression, all at the proper time...to make the thing run...
Your easiest procedure will be as RobertBrown, had said earlier... spray something flammable into the air intake...If it starts or tries to start you have a fuel problem...
If you look at the end of (a good) spark plug, and there is no spark, you have an ignition problem...
While the plug is off check for compression...
You really need to determine what is there and what one is not... :smile:KennyV
Ok so after coming back from vacation, I tried many times with the starting fluid, and it fires up but dies in a couple of seconds or so.
I have new gas in the tank and cleaned the rubber lines leading to the carb AND changed the fuel filter...
Also cleaned the crab out of the carb with carb cleaner...
Engine fires with the starter fluid, but doesn't stay on
I took the entire carb unit off and cleaned it very thoroughly, i took the bowl off and the float off the carb, cleaned holes everywhere and saw that the cleaner squirts out the other side.
So i've got it down to the bottom part (3rd pic - part which pumps the gas upwards from the bowl to the carb) that looks like a nozzle, is defective in some way because the fuel DOES collect in the bowl but never gets to the top portion of the carb to go in the intake pipe to get burned!
There should be an electric wire attached to this...
You should hear it click when you turn the key to ON, that is the fuel Shut off solenoid, no 12 volts applied... no fuel will go into the carb main jet. ... :smile:KennyV
So i found out that part in the third pic that attaches to the bottom of the float is called the Fuel Shut-Off solenoid. Since the gasoline DOES collect in the float bowl everytime, would this solenoid be responsible for not allowing the fuel to go nowhere near the top of the carb?
The solenoid seems to be getting power because it does get very hot after i try to start the engine
I've removed the entire air cleaner assembly and can see the inside of the carb get no fuel while i crank the engine.
You can tell i've never actually diagnosed a carb equipped engine before lol
Yes & it is likely not working if it is getting hot...
When you turn the Key to ON... can you hear or feel that solenoid Click?... if not replace it and you will be good. :smile:KennyV
like they said before....try starting fluid..spray where the choke plate is...pull the plug and and press the threads to the engine block with the wire attached while cranking and tell us what happened..:confused2:
nevermind!...i was responding to an earlier part of this thread:confused2: