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  1. M

    2000 Dixie Chopper xw2500 tbox question

    So I was able to cut the pulley off and replace the oil seal from underneath the mower without having to remove the tbox! Thanks to everyone for all the input! It is much appreciated! Getting the seal out by using a drill and small bit to punch a hole in the seal put in a dry wall screw just...
  2. M

    Dixie Chopper T box repair help

    So I was able to cut the pulley off and replace the oil seal from underneath the mower without having to remove the tbox
  3. M

    Snap Ring Help!

    You are right! Don’t have ace/ox torch so I elected to cut it off. Found a new pulleyand ordered it. Will keep posted on progress. Thanks for all the info!
  4. M

    Snap Ring Help!

    You are right! Don’t have ace/ox torch so I elected to cut it off. Found a new pulley and ordered it. Will let u know how it goes. Thanks for the info.
  5. M

    Snap Ring Help!

    So no luck so far. Anybody got any other suggestions? I may not have heated it up enough. I’m going to repeat the process several times tomorrow and see what happens. Sprayed it with pb blaster going to let that soak in overnight. Thanks for any additional advice.
  6. M

    Snap Ring Help!

    Allen head screw on top of neck on pulley and there is not one
  7. M

    Snap Ring Help!

    Ok I’ll heat up the pulley and see what happens. Thanks for the help! Much appreciated! It has been on there for almost 25 years. So stuck certainly sounds reasonable. I checked for an Allen head scr
  8. M

    Snap Ring Help!

    Or is it held on a different way?
  9. M

    Snap Ring Help!

    I cannot remove the pulley because there is some sort of snap ring I think holding it on the shaft. See picture. Any help very much appreciated! 2000 Dixie Chopper xw2500 trans pulley.
  10. M

    2000 Dixie Chopper xw2500 tbox question

    So I am uncertain how to remove what looks like some sort of snap ring. See picture. Pulley will not budge off of shaft. How can I remove snap ring or whatever is holding the pulley on? Please help asap. Thanks
  11. M

    2000 Dixie Chopper xw2500 tbox question

    Thanks HLW49 for all the info I really appreciate it! Happy Father’s Day to everyone!
  12. M

    2000 Dixie Chopper xw2500 tbox question

    Is there a trick to getting the old seal out? I was thinking using a screwdriver and prising it out. Or maybe even a small cutter pliers and cutting one notch through it and pulling it out. Thanks for all the great info! I’ll let you know how it goes later this week!
  13. M

    2000 Dixie Chopper xw2500 tbox question

    So it is held in with a snap ring? Just remove the snap ring pull the old one out put the new one in correct? Thanks for the info!
  14. M

    2000 Dixie Chopper xw2500 tbox question

    2000 DC XW2500 tbox leaking oil. Can the seal be replaced? If so can it be done from under mower by removing just the pulley. Gears in box are good. Bearing seams to be good but I do not know if the seal is made into the bearing. Any help always appreciated. Thanks Mike
  15. M

    Dixie Chopper T box repair help

    2000 DC XW2500 tbox leaking oil. Can the seal be replaced? If so can it be done from under mower by removing just the pulley. Gears in box are good. Bearing seams to be good but I do not know if the seal is made into the bearing. Any help always appreciated. Thanks Mike
  16. M

    Xw2500 help!

    I have a 25hp Kohler on my D.C. Xw2500 1999 model. Runs great except bogs down up hill when mowing or flat ground in heavy thick grass. Will cut ok if I go very slow. Replaced all belts plugs fuel filter air filter checked spindles. Runs full speed when blades are not engaged. Is there a carb...