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  1. D

    Toro V-twin compression release

    The original starter was bad on mine. It would barely turn over but always started. Starter looked like someone had been in it previously. I got a new starter but I also messed with carb and valves along the way. I had it running good but it didn't want to restart when hot. Played with the carb...
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    Honda lawnmower started smoking (GCV160)

    Almost always starts on 1 easy pull.
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    Honda lawnmower started smoking (GCV160)

    It was not recently tipped over.
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    Honda lawnmower started smoking (GCV160)

    I don't smell any fuel in the oil. I have never checked the valves as it always ran great. It isn't used much anymore, just to do the edges where the zero turn can't get. I am going to try a new air filter.
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    Honda lawnmower started smoking (GCV160)

    Thanks, smoke is blue. Oil level is full based on placing dip stick on oil inlet boss without screwing it in. I will try a new air filter.
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    Honda lawnmower started smoking (GCV160)

    It starts first pull and runs well. Compression is about 105. Did a leak down test and it has very low leakage (around 5% or less) based on Harbor Freight tester. It started smoking quite a bit this year and it is unknown age but likely 10-15+ years old. Plug is black with soot. With 105...
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    Kubota PTO on Z122r

    Does anyone know how the band cord #175 below is used to secure the PTO Stopper #170? I can't figure out what it is intended to hook around besides the stopper. It may be intended as an anti-rattle device as the PTO has several mm of twist. This rattles when blades are engaged. I have replaced...
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    Kubota Z122R battery keeps going dead

    Full throttle voltage 14.33 volts. Battery voltage, unit off, 13.24. Kaw - FR651VE80584
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    Kubota Z122R battery keeps going dead

    2020 Kubota with Kaw FR651v, 80 hrs. I have a constant 12v draw at regulator, even with key turned off. I am pretty sure it should be zero with key off. Can you point me to the test procedure for the ignition switch? What else might send voltage to the regulator? It runs fine and is charging the...
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    Vapor Lock on Toro v-twin

    2015 Toro 74760 24.5hp v-twin (Loncin 708cc) has vapor lock. It will not re-start after it is shut down for a few minutes. Supposedly the engine heat boils the fuel in the carb bowl and carb can't flow fuel to overpower the fuel vapor. Has anyone experienced this? It restarts fine after it has...
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    Oil filter repalcement

    Walmart has Supertech ST4967. Other forums gave these filters surprisingly good reviews.
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    Toro zero turn v-twin won't start

    Update - Toro MX4250 74760 315002651 June 2015 24.5hp 708cc Loncin 2P77F engine. After checking everything, I bought new coils. It started right up and I ran it for a few minutes and figured all was good. Went out a couple hours later and would not start. It does have spark, good compression and...
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    2015 Toro v-twin won't start

    Adjusting valves: rocker is sloppy side to side and moving it around allows the feeler gauge to slip in and be the right feel. Is this typical?
  14. D

    2015 Toro v-twin won't start

    Flywheel key is not sheared, lines up perfectly. I was hoping that was the issue.
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    2015 Toro v-twin won't start

    I am going to check the flywheel shear pin but not until about 3/16. Maybe plugs and recheck valve clearances if the pin is good. Compression is about 150/145.
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    2015 Toro v-twin won't start

    If I don't have that bright blue spark, does it mean I likely need new coils? It seemed at least one of the coils might have been touching the flywheel before I adjusted them. Would that damage the functionality of the coil?
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    2015 Toro v-twin won't start

    Here is additional information Toro MX4250 74760 315002651 June 2015 24.5hp 708cc Loncin 2P77F engine. It had been hard starting and occasionally backfiring when starting last year. It did not want to start when hot. I had adjusted the valves last year and that did not seem to help. I cleaned...
  18. D

    2015 Toro v-twin won't start

    Adjusted the coils and valves. I have spark but not sure how strong the spark should be, for comparison. Battery is charged and engine spins well, plenty of compression. Fresh gas and cleaned carb. I even sprayed a bit of starter fluid in the cylinders after checking for spark. Would not even...
  19. D

    Toro V-twin backfires, does not start when hot

    2015 24.5hp Toro Loncin 708cc engine, 240 hrs. Backfires, does not start when hot. Gas was fresh. Cleaned carb and it was clean inside, don't seem to be any adjustments. Coils seemed to be good using an inline tester. What else should I be looking for? Vacuum leaks? There are a couple of black...
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    Toro v-twin won't start when hot

    2015 Toro v-twin 24.5 commercial Loncin 708cc won't start when hot. Thinking carbs or coils but wanted to get some advice on best place to start. Runs well until I shut it off.
  21. D

    Starter Motor 136-7880 for 2015 Toro 74760

    Gravely sells for 92.35. There is also a Gladiator starter that lists 136-7880 specifically. It looks similar but definitely different but is only 42.99 on Ebay. May give it a try.
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    Starter Motor 136-7880 for 2015 Toro 74760

    I need to repair or replace my starter. Does anyone know why starter 136-7880 is so expensive at $175-250? It has a somewhat different design with long bolts outside the case and the head seems to be extra stout. There is an unexpected cross reference to Gravely 21110533. which seems to be much...
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    Toro MX4250 zero turn with Loncin 708 v-twin engine cranking slow

    Valve clearances are set according to specs on compression stroke. Mower runs great but just have trouble getting it to crank. It can just barely overcome the compression if I hold the key for several seconds. Other ideas?
  24. D

    Toro MX4250 zero turn with Loncin 708 v-twin engine cranking slow

    Do you have a picture of the ACR so I can see how it works?
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    Toro MX4250 zero turn with Loncin 708 v-twin engine cranking slow

    Model 74760, I believe it is Engine: LC2P77F Clearance (cold) (Intake) 0.004 - 0.006 in. (0.10- 0.15 mm) - Clearance (cold) (Exhaust) 0.006 - 0.008 in. (0.15 - 0.20 mm)
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    Toro MX4250 zero turn with Loncin 708 v-twin engine cranking slow

    It cranks great with plugs out. Battery is good. Seems like ACR automatic compression release is not working. Luckily it starts easily once I hold the key and get past initial compression. Any experience with this or knowledge of the ACR mechanism? I adjusted valves and did not see a "bump" on...
  27. D

    Toro V-twin compression release

    The Toro model # is 74760. 133-1568 is the CAMSHAFT, it Replaces 127-9269. From pictures, can you tell anything about the cam and how the ACR functions from that? The pictures I saw, of new parts, did not show ACR mechanism but I did see a notch on the inner face of the cam that would likely be...
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    Toro V-twin compression release

    I looked closely and could not see any rocker movement before TDC on either cylinder. Would ACR typically be on intake or exhaust? Would it typically be on both cylinders?
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    Toro V-twin compression release

    Model LC2P77F Engine type V-twin cylinder, Air cooled, 4-stroke, OHV Displacement 708cc Thank you for your reply. From what I have read it is a Chinese Loncin engine branded as Toro. From...
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    Toro V-twin compression release

    I have a 2015 Toro V-twin (with 225 hrs) and it seems the compression release may not be working. I have checked the battery and all connections. Spins fine with no spark plugs. I have adjusted the valves to the tight end of specs .004 inch intake, .006 inch exhaust. It still mostly stops when I...
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    Walk behind Weak self propel HRB217TDA MAEA 1016626 3 spd

    Where do I start on evaluating this mower for weak self propel in all 3 speeds. Wheels & drive gears seem to be ok. I am thinking belt, then crankshaft pulley and finally a transmission gear worn out. What else? It is about 14 years old and still in very good shape with composite deck. What...
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    Walk behind HRR2165VXA variable speed self propel speed too fast

    How do I slow down the self propel? Even the lightest touch is much too fast. Can the cable be adjusted to allow the belt to slip? I seem to recall reading about a Honda retrofit piece that allowed adjustment but I can't find it now. Does Honda have a bigger trans pulley and longer belt to slow...