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  1. SARG

    Refreshing a 2354GXLS WITH 700 HOURS

    Had a busy couple days replacing worn parts on a 2354 GXLS I purchased in 2009 that now has 700 hours on it. First was the muffler ( that sellers call exhaust canisters ). That diminished some of the rattles so we pulled the deck and replaced the drive belt and the three pulleys ........ finding...
  2. SARG

    Bench Grinder Wheel Replacement

    Perhaps ........... But I didn't mention the Milwaukee M18 for chores away from a power outlet.
  3. SARG

    Bench Grinder Wheel Replacement

    Well ..... I took my own advice and bought "another" grinder from HF for the sale price of 9.99 ... because they had a coupon for 30% off any item under 10 dollars .... so 6.99 for another seemed a good plan ......... that makes two still in the box to back up the other six.
  4. SARG

    Bench Grinder Wheel Replacement

    They also have one for 9.99 now ( until 8/15 ) ........... that's what I paid several years ago ( bought 3 ) & they're still running fine.
  5. SARG

    Bench Grinder Wheel Replacement

    "I've just about decided I need to buy a hand grinder, put the blade in a vice and sharpen it that way! and maybe retire the old bench grinder. What ya think?" I agree 100% .... When in HF ... buy their cheap 4 1/2 angle grinder & some 60 grit flap discs. You'll be very happy for the change and...
  6. SARG

    How long is this blade,.....

    Clearly .......... 14.251968504"
  7. SARG


    I change the blades on the 54" deck of the Husqvarna probably every two weeks ... just for giggles .... I've got 5 sets of blades of the different styles and use a 4½" grinder with various grit flap discs to put a sharp edge on them. Time has demonstrated to me the grind angle is not at all...
  8. SARG

    Cub Cadet EZ oil drain pull & twist

    I prefer the "Drainzit" hose...
  9. SARG

    Delay in engaging blades

    best guess = The electric PTO or the relay switch you pull on to start the blades will need replacement in the future.
  10. SARG

    Fuel Shut Off

    I have them on 4 machines.
  11. SARG

    John Deere E180 - thread fitting on deck for Zerk fitting is stripped

    I agree with the other posts....... a little JBWeld will seal the spindle. I've replaced the bearings on a couple noisy MTD decks and found it remarkably easy.... but they have the same top & bottom bearings and I bought a "roll" of the bearings for little money. Just pop the top spindle nut...
  12. SARG

    Replacing the muffler worth the effort ?

    Curious if a new muffler is worth the effort. Has anyone actually replaced one and found it reduced the engine noise? I've got a 2354GXLS from 2009 with the B&S 386777 23hp twin motor. The machine has about 500 hours on it and has become louder over time. Question is do these mufflers have...
  13. SARG

    Does coating the underside of deck really work?

    Short answer in my experience ----------- NO. ( 1 ZT , 4 tractors & about 6 push mowers )
  14. SARG

    Outsmarted by Smart Switch

    My understanding is that the 2354GXLS was only made a couple years with the electric actuator deck lift. The design on numerous machines that had the feature was abandoned and leaving all the owners stuck trying to figure how to convert to manual operation when the actuator ceases working or the...
  15. SARG

    Outsmarted by Smart Switch

    I will also chime in to say the response from Husqvarna is dismal ..... as in non-existent ....... might as well pee in a fan as use their website. I have a 2354GXLS that I do like ........ but when it's retired I will probably go green.
  16. SARG

    All the oils & grease - beginner questions

    Best advice after half a century maintaining machines .... keep it simple. Any grease is better than no grease and any "oil" will work for lubrication. Some sprays are easier and know that WD40 is a water displacement formula ........ not a good lubricant.
  17. SARG

    Regularly clean carburetor?

    At one point I had seven tractors and the best addition was putting fuel shut offs to run the carb dry for storage.
  18. SARG

    Won't Run on New Gas - Will Run on Carb Cleaner

    After 50 years of dicking with small engines that are not running right and the issue seems to be fuel related ............. I buy a new carb ............ fussing around trying to remedy carb problems is a true source of frustration
  19. SARG

    Why no zerks on front spindles?

    I did the greasing on our IS1500Z this morning and now have a question. The front wheel spindles have a 1/4-28 bolt that you are instructed to replace with a zerk ... do the greasing and replace with the bolt again. The position on the spindles is "out of the way" and not in jeopardy of being...
  20. SARG

    Difference in blades for 52" deck.

    Got a 1500 z Ferris and it lists two blade numbers. I've done a lot of searching and wonder why the same blades have two part numbers. The only change I can see is the cheaper blades are .204 thick versus .250 for the better blades. Both part numbers are called hi-lift and have the same...