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  1. serelaw

    New Ford Atlas Pickup

    Does that link take us to a competing forum? You are an admin there? Is that your website? Jesus, how transparent you are. Your ego is a disease. Blatant huckster tactics. I hope this guy can see the subversion. Non blatant self promoting link. Can we get a pooper scooper over here? Guys...
  2. serelaw

    MZT-52 Difference between 28 hp and 30 hp Briggs

    The only difference I can find between the Briggs 28 hp 49L977-0125-G5 28 hp CLICK HERE and the Briggs 30 hp 49M877-5598-G5 CLICK HERE is the main jet. Part # 117 in the carb. Part Number #117 Briggs and Stratton 842633 Jet-Main ((Standard)) Your price: $10.55 Unless I missed something...
  3. serelaw

    How does Kawasaki get such high torque numbers?

    Hi guys, Could use some help getting info. Any links to how kowies get the high torque numbers is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  4. mzt52


  5. Mower

