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  1. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    I took the head off and observed some light scoring at one location in the cylinder wall. Soaking for a day or so with Marvel Mystery Oil I got the piston moving freely again. I reassembled and ran a few start/stop cycles. It froze up again. I drained to oil and am now ready to remove the side...
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    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    As I recall the carbon seems to be dry. So is that oil (not fuel)? Going to be at least a week until I get back hands-on to this project...
  3. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    OK, will do. If I can't get to it tomorrow then it will be at least a couple days until I get this done and advise back. Thanks.
  4. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    I got the head off--bolts not frozen on as I feared. There is a lot of carbon (photo to follow) which MIGHT indicate a stuck valve. I can rotate the Flywheel just a bit which results in the Piston moving up and down about 1/64 to 1/32inch. So I suspect that the Piston is not seized to the...
  5. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    Thanks for the inputs. I will check for these situations. I hope the engine is not "toast".
  6. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    Update: yesterday I ran a couple Start/Stop cycles to see if I could determine exactly where the excess Fuel is coming from. As I went to do another Start cycle the Rope Starter does not move! Engine is acting like it seized-up. This is very surprising because each cycle I ran only a minute or...
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    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    Rivets, Thanks for the idea. That is actually a pretty good question, not stupid at all. I haven't researched what the factory-recommended spark plug is. I know only that when I purchased this old rototiller it had a very rusted (i.e. seized-in!) Champion CJ8 spark plug so I replaced it with...
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    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    ILENGINE, thanks for your prompt input. Good to know that 60psi is not unusual for these older engines and that "all is not lost" . If I can find a Head Gasket for this then I will probably clean up the carbon/relap/reset. (this assumes old gasket is not reuseable). Meanwhile I will diagnose...
  9. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    I recently bought an old Southern States brand rototiller that has a 5HP B&S that is hard to start and fouls plugs. Model is 130202, Type 1915 01, Code 84120606. Looking inside the spark plug hole I can see quite a buildup of carbon. Compression is only 60 psi ( I work on a lot of old small...
  10. C

    Belt for Wheelhorse 211-4 Side Discharge Mower Deck

    Hi All, the Mower Belt on my 37inch Side Discharge (2 spindles/blades) is cracked and show signs of failing very soon. Mower was giftet to our son after sitting around 10 years in good dry storage barn. I have the original Operating and Maintenance Instructions for the Mower Deck (as well as the...
  11. C

    Replacing Drive Control Cable 946-04440.

    Thanks for the input but the video you reference is for a front wheel drive vs. Rear-wheel drive (which I am trying to fix). I have replaced belts/cables on the front-wheel drive Troy-Bilts before, but this rear-wheel drive is entirely different design.
  12. C

    Replacing Drive Control Cable 946-04440.

    On Troy-Bilt 21inch 7.75 hp Professional model 12AI869F011 what is the easy way to replace Drive Control Cable 946-04440? I am thinking I can remove the Blade and then Plastic Baffle(s) above the Blade to gain necessary access. Thanks for any advice...
  13. C

    B&S 625EX fouling plugs, guzzling fuel.

    Mower is running fine now. Thanks for the inputs, especially to check for Fuel in the Oil. Oil does not smell like gasoline. I checked Oil "necking" between thumb and Index finder--seems fine, i.e. Oil is not thinned. I had a neighbor who accidentally put gas in his mower's Oil Fill. That did...
  14. C

    B&S 625EX fouling plugs, guzzling fuel.

    I removed about 2 ounces of Oil to get back to within Fill Range. I always keep the cooling fins etc clean (although this was a good reminder). I removed the carb, disassembled it--didn't see any obvious sign of Stuck Float but soaked the carb in Isopropyl overnight, blew out all passages and...
  15. C

    B&S 625EX fouling plugs, guzzling fuel.

    This engine on my TroyBilt TB200 mower is suddenly fouling plugs and doubling fuel consumption. Was previously mowing whole lawn in 1/2 tank fuel. Now it uses more than 1 tank to complete the job. RPM'S cycle up and down more now vs. before. Oil level remains fine, possibly slight overfill but...
  16. C

    No Spark No Compression but Recoil Starter turns Blade 4hp B&S.

    Weird that this mower developed 2 unrelated problems simultaneously , right?
  17. C

    No Spark No Compression but Recoil Starter turns Blade 4hp B&S.

    I got lucky. I tilted the mower back and shot carb cleaner plus some 30 weight along the stem. Waited a couple hours. Grabbed the valve with a rag and pliers, rotated it about 10 turns--stiff at first then it became looser. Untilted mower, pulled rope, it puked oil and carb cleaner out...
  18. C

    No Spark No Compression but Recoil Starter turns Blade 4hp B&S.

    Having trouble unloading photo...too large.
  19. C

    No Spark No Compression but Recoil Starter turns Blade 4hp B&S.

    The Intake Valve (top valve in photo) is stuck. The Exhaust Valve ( bottom valve in photo) moves freely. Without doing further disassembly what is the best way to unstick the Intake Valve? Rotate the valve by gripping with cloth covered Pliers or visegrip? Tap the valve inward with light hammer...
  20. C

    No Spark No Compression but Recoil Starter turns Blade 4hp B&S.

    I found an easy fix on the Spark problem already. There was some dried grass mixed with oil in between the flywheel and coil. I cleaned and reset the gap, it has a strong spark now. I checked for piston movement--looks good. Pretty sure it is stuck valve. If parts to fix cost more than $40 i...
  21. C

    No Spark No Compression but Recoil Starter turns Blade 4hp B&S.

    On a Murray 22inch Mower 4hp Briggs & Stratton Sprint Model 10J902 Type 0293 Code 05042651 will not start. Using an adjustable gap Spark Tester I see no Spark. Using Compression Tester I see zero compression. When I pull the Recoil Starter Rope the blade DOES rotate correctly (indicating that...
  22. C

    Air Cleaner Screw 691417 for Model 10J902 Type 0293.

    What are the dimensions on above screw? Is it 8-32 threads by 4inches (or 4.5 inches) long? Any help would be appreciated (so I don't have to order/expedite just this one part vs. getting at local hardware store).
  23. C

    Correct p/n for 125BVX Cylinder/Piston/Rings kit.

    I replaced both Crankcase Seals and the Piston Ring (after thoroughly cleaning the Piston with Marvel Mystery Oil. . Unfortunately no change. I also watched most of the Joe Pace YouTube videos. Now I understand that it would be a waste of time to replace any parts without doing the proper...
  24. C

    Correct p/n for 125BVX Cylinder/Piston/Rings kit.

    Bertsmobile1 Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. I will order/install a Ring along with New Seals and report back with results--I am guessing in a week or so.
  25. C

    Correct p/n for 125BVX Cylinder/Piston/Rings kit.

    Bertsmobile1, Thanks very much for this info/insight. I like hillbilly/bushman techniques! I would like to do the test you describe --although because the blower is already disassembled I am inclined to just go ahead and replace the Seals. BTW since yesterday I figured out how to Resize and...
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    Correct p/n for 125BVX Cylinder/Piston/Rings kit.

    StarTech, Thanks for the input. I was hoping to find a Kit similar to 545008082 (which fits only Husqvarna 128LD Series, apparently and is priced at $22-35 ) as the price of the Kit vs. separate purchases of Cylinder 587597301 and Piston Kit 545081814 could be is quite lower. The 125BVX...
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    Correct p/n for 125BVX Cylinder/Piston/Rings kit.

    I am having trouble confirming what the correct p/n is for the Cylinder/Piston/Rings kit for a 125BVX Blower with Mfg Date 2010. Can anybody please tell me the correct p/n for this Kit? Also what website/source are you using to determine the correct p/n? I also need Crankshaft Seals which I...
  28. C

    Plastic Welding and Testing Poulan HDPE Fuel Tank

    Bertsmobile1, Wow! that is a ton of useful information I can see you climbed quite a learning curve that would obviously take me quite a while (if ever) to catch up. I tried again using your previous tips/tricks but still No Luck. It is possible that I didn't allow adequate time to fully...
  29. C

    Plastic Welding and Testing Poulan HDPE Fuel Tank

    I am leery of buying a Used tank. Paying $37 (or more--if Shipping is extra) will cut into my profit margin too much --I want to resell this mower. IF I can't fix this 100% then it is probably best to find a buyer who understands and doesn' t mind running with tank 2/3 or less full...
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    Plastic Welding and Testing Poulan HDPE Fuel Tank

    Thanks to all for the inputs. Yes I have considered replacing the fuel tank. Thus far I have been unable to even determine a correct p/n for the tank. I have repaired dozens of mowers/blowers/trimmers/chainsaws/outboards/compressors/generators with both Used and New parts but this tank p/n...
  31. C

    Plastic Welding and Testing Poulan HDPE Fuel Tank

    I am nearing my wits end trying to plastic weld a leaking black HDPE fuel tank on my Poulan 21inch self propelled model PR65Y21MA. This is a clamshell-type tank whereby the top 1/3 of the tank is apparently ultrasonic welded (or solvent cemented?) at the factory to the bottom 2/3 of tank. I got...