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  1. J

    HRX217HYA Missing Grass on Right Side

    When bagging, I see I leave a trail of grass on the right side of the mower, no matter if the right side is against the uncut grass or on the cut side. I have cleaned the deck, sharpened the balde, slowed my pace, and played with the deflector location. In the pictures, I know I am cutting more...
  2. J

    HRX2174HYA Surges While Under No Load

    My mower will run fine while the blades are engaged, but when the bail is released and the blades stop, the engine will sit there and surge. I have used fresh gas and used a little seafoam, but since the engine runs fine when the blade is engaged, it just seems to me that this is not a fuel...
  3. J

    LB 10515 Engine Rebuild/Replace

    My 10515 SN:4900000 would not start last year and was hard to pull over. Took it to the only LB shop I knew of and they thought it was a broken rod, but they stopped overhauling engines. Took it to several other places in town and none of them would entertain rebuilding the LB 2-stroke. So my...