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  1. C

    Parking Lithium powered Equipment in the house or garage

    The Danger of Parking Lithium powered Mowers, Bikes ect in the garage or house. Examples of other smaller devices as well and their dangerous surprises.
  2. C

    Kubota 3010 belly deck blade went flying

    Helpful video to prevent the blades falling of as your Kubota ages.
  3. C


    Screw it
  4. C

    Neighbors that cut grass beyond the property line

    What is seriously wrong with people that do this? Where the lots may be small Ive seen heads butt over a few inches of invasion. Not only do they cut your grass it seems that in most every cases its always a depth to the dirt. Ive noticed that they cut the grass several times a week. At my home...
  5. C

    155OHV backfires through the carb and muffler

    Got an ole Tecumseh (ohv155 204508d h) Have tried everything I can think of except a coil and still it backfires through the carb and sounds like in the muffler as well. Mostly at lower speeds. At full throttle it seems like its misfiring. While running I can spray carb clean in the intake and...
  6. C

    Goshen Ohio

    Been working on small engines most my life. Rebuilt my first 2 cycle engine @ 12 in 1971. Lost a thumb nail in the process but they grow back. Still don't know everything. Glad to help when I can but here mostly for the great help Ive seen from the forum. Thanks, Ferd