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  1. F

    FJ180V carburetor re-installation help!!

    I recently cleaned the carburetor on an FJ180V. I found that in reinstalling the carburetor it is difficult to snake it around the intake manifold and hook up the throttle/choke linkages. I also don't want to mess up the new gaskets. Is there a simple trick to completely remove the intake...
  2. F

    21" hi vac bag closures: z fold bag & slider versus the "Kwik and Easy" door system

    I'm a homeowner, not a commercial landscape person with a 12k sq-ft area of grass lawn. I use an '80s vintage 21" hi vac Snapper to mow and bag clippings. I do occasionally mulch when the grass is dry, but my wet grass tends to clog up the underdeck & discharge chute very quickly. For that...
  3. F

    21" Hi-Vac SP won't roll backwards

    I have an '80s vintage 21" Snapper hi-vac that I've retrofitted with a Kawasaki FJ180V several years ago, swapped out the deck, went to steel wheels and many other parts. It has worked great and I'm very pleased with it. But recently it developed a problem where the mower won't roll backwards...