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Results 201 to 250 of 282
  1. R


    Hands down the easiest way to rid of on your property is a 5 gallon bucket with a flip trap lid, little peanut butter and couple inches of water. No poison needed. Simple google will find these available. I make my own with old campain signs, no more mices... this works better than a...
  2. R


    Let's not, all that does is poison someone's cat or an unsupecting bird. Much easier way to get rid of mice.r
  3. R

    Cub won't start, need help diagnosing

    Sir, check your oil, I've had a LT1018 for years, the only time it did not start the carb had failed and the cran k case was full of gasoline. It acted just as your video showed. r
  4. R

    Tires ??

    Understand, the Hustler hubs I found running 20x12.00-10 uses a 10x8.5 rim with 3.12" backset, The Bobcat info is confusing because on the chart it shows 10x7 rim but it you look close. Go here I believe it shows there is an error on my original...
  5. R

    Tires ??

    Bert, look at Hustler Raptor HD is 20x12.00-10 . rim is 10x8.5 , want a bet a 20"Hustler rim will fit a 20" Bobcat? , are they not both driven by ZT 2800 hydro units 48, 50, & 60 BigDog Aplha MP 20x12-10 ZT2800's 54" & 60"...
  6. R

    Tires ??

    After digging through this info, it is clear the 20x12.00-10 tire uses a 10x8.5 rim, there is a print error in my parts listing.. Oh Well. r
  7. R

    Merry Christmas to all!!!

    With a Happy New Years to go with it Sir, Cheers, Ray
  8. R

    Tires ??

    Gentlemen, here's what I'm researching, my machine (2019 CRZ 48") it came in 42", 48", 52" and 61". Judging from the part#'s I could go up from 20x10.00-10 to 20x12.00-10 on the same rims., It looks to me the rims are simply 10x7 on the 48 to 61" decks and the frames are the same item except...
  9. R

    Tires ??

    After the great lesson on belts, where do you buy your tires? Cheers, Ray
  10. R


    Bert, thanks, one could easily give up trying to match up bett sizes, interchange works well, r
  11. R

    Joy Stick control ??

    Anyone every changed a twin arm control over to Joy Stick? I'm just curious how much hardware it would require?..Something tell me it would be costly. Cheers,. Ray
  12. R


    Thank you Sir
  13. R


    If it works for you go with it, Kohler, Kawasaki or B&S don't make oil nor does BobCat make Belts. Cheers, Ray
  14. R


    Thank you Sir, I found it for the blade belt, Part #: 6692BR Line: GAT B 21/32" x 148 3/8" , Cheers, Ray
  15. R


    Gentlemen, I believe I have identified the size of PN# 4169566 - BELT-48" CUTTERDECK → B 5/8"Width - 148.35" Length What I seek is the same info for PN# 4168621 BELT-TRANSAXL Ya know, when the sucker cost $100+ you would like it to fit. Thanks for the info..r
  16. R


    Sir, thanks for the reply, FYI, neither of the BOBCAT part#'s cross on either of these sites..
  17. R


    Anyone got a Brand they would recommendation for ZTR mower belts? Anyone know what manufacture provides BOBCAT OEM belts?
  18. R

    Front yard help for new house !!!

    Notasha, I'm about 30 miles South of Atlanta, here's a few of my favorites that do well in this part of the country. Crepe Myrtle Limelight Hydrangea TigerLilies Daylilies At one time there were over 500 varities of these in my yard. Sweet Shurbs are a native favorite (these...
  19. R

    Help my memory

    Here's an informative read on AGM batteries, it indicates you'll might need a new charger. Cheers, Ray
  20. R

    Kiawasaki FR651V oil cooler ?

    Buddy, yes, an I'll leave this alone until it's out of warranty, Cheers, Ray
  21. R

    FR651V Airfilter Modification #2

    I cut my yard in less than an hour, the filter on this Kiawasaki engine would be in worse shape after one cutting than half a season on my old Cub Cadet tractor. No way I was going to watch it destroy my engine in the factory configuration. The rubber elbow you speak of is an absolute joke even...
  22. R


    Your don't actualy click the avatar, you simply hover over..
  23. R

    FR651V Airfilter Modification #2

    Gentlemen, I ditched the wood box for a 12x12x4 electrical box, a screen intake cover, some bracing and paint. Small hole on the back allows for access to the filter clamp. No grass to cut now but it worked well sweeping/mulching the leaves. I find it very interesting the new FT model...
  24. R

    Kiawasaki FR651V oil cooler ?

    Going to look into this one> Cheers
  25. R

    Kiawasaki FR651V oil cooler ?

    Anyone familiar with an add on oil cooler for a FR651V?
  26. R

    Zero turn advice

    I would add BobCat to this list...
  27. R

    Zero turn advice

    I'm not knocking Simplicity but I would say do a lot of research about what engine is available to you on the machine no matter what Brand you purchase, it's the most expensive part of the unit..
  28. R

    I am fed up with my Stihl Blower

    make sure your muffler is not clogged, swap the plug and check to make sure the plug wire makes good connection, could be tarnished/corroided.
  29. R

    Oil Choice for ZT-2800s ???

    I glad my units have fill resserviors on top, I feel sure keeping them full make for happier units and it certainly makes for easier servicing.
  30. R

    Oil Choice for ZT-2800s ???

    Thank you, I can see that being useful. Cheers, Ray
  31. R

    Oil Choice for ZT-2800s ???

    Gentlemen, before I get into this, can someone tell me what size the fill plug is on a ZT-2800 ?
  32. R

    Oil Choice for ZT-2800s ???

    Thank you, good info, r
  33. R

    Oil Choice for ZT-2800s ???

    I've done way to much reading on the stats you provided and I'm still not sure what a minimum rating on 9.0 cSt or a Kv100C rating of 18 is telling me.
  34. R

    Oil Choice for ZT-2800s ???

    LA I'm all in for synthetic oil products. So what is your preference for Hydro oil?
  35. R

    States and locales banning sale of petrol powered tools in a coupla years

    Not if we run the STUID Democrates out of office... r
  36. R

    Oil Choice for ZT-2800s ???

    Gentlemen, my machine has just over 50 hours and I want to get this behind me. I've read many threads about this subject. As of now I'm leaning toward Mobil 1 15W-50. What say ye?
  37. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    TX, the mod has nothing to do with saving money on filters, it's all about taking better care of the engine for the long haul. I will admit my choice of material may not have eye appeal but it's what I had easily available to work with. Watch for round 2.. Cheers, r
  38. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    LA, that is very promising, I glad to know the engines are up to the task. This is my first Kawasaki, I was told by several they considered them the industry leader when I started looking for a mower. I'm sure different operating enviornments play a big roll in how the engines perform. Between...
  39. R

    Question, how would one post a short video file to the forum?

    I attempted to add a MOV file, not compatible with the site, thanks, Ray
  40. R

    Need Outdoor Security Cameras

    Walter, have you looked at Ring, for $12 a month or $100 a year, they provide you with play back recordings, the night picture quality is great. The other thing I really like, for a long a you keep your contact in place, if any of your devices fail they are replaced 100% no cost., Cheers, Ray
  41. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    KK, so you're calling the flip cover on the back of the FR engines an air box, right. If you took the air intake on your car and put it that close to the ground and run around off road all day, I wonder how long your engine would last. You won't make be believe elevating the filter straight up...
  42. R

    Hustler trimstar 48 inch grass flap.

    WS, I have a GrassFlap on a 48" Bobcat CRZ, could not be happier with the device. Cheers, Ray
  43. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    TX, is it still OK if it actually works well ?
  44. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    Just my way short for Lawn Addict, I didn't want to call you Left Wing !!!, Cheers, Ray
  45. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    LA, I'm sure we both had the same thing in mind with when you added the Donaldson filter upgrade. I already have a change planned to my contraption in mind I will post once it is completed. Cheers, Ray
  46. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    Hi Bert, I for one didn't know the history with Kawa engines but I could easily see how this evolved. This may not be pretty but I know this is a winner when it comes to extending the engine life. After running for only ~ an hour I knew the stock arrangement would not do. If anyone is...
  47. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    Hi D, kind works, thanks. I'm also very knew to this forum and look to draw from the senior's expertice. I also enjoy improving devices and I for one am very happy with this outcome. I will make some additional changes to the set up and post. Your input either pro or con is most welcome...
  48. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    To get the air source as far away from the ground as possible. LA, first, thanks for the tip, if here is holes in cover that needs to be covered I'll get it done. As for wiggling, actually this thing is made with corner brackets and is braced well, it is actually very rigid. It bolds...
  49. R

    FR651 AirFilter Modification

    Hi Bert, both good points, there is some bracing not shown but may be room for more. As for the tube, it is actually very rigid but I will continure to monitor very closely for issues, one option is to simply use the OEM filter, thanks Ray