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  1. K

    Engine kills when releasing brake/clutch pedal

    rear engine riders have a control module for the safety switches. Located under the seat on the right side under the metal or plastic cover. That could be your problem.
  2. K

    Bad Boy Forum?

    I bought a 54" Badboy Magnum from Orschlen store. It has the Kohler 7000 series engine. I went through the check list in the manual and found my rear wheels were not torque correctly and found a vacuum hose not connected to the air cleaner base. SO look your mower over good. My mower you can't...
  3. K

    yardman wont roll to replace deck belt

    On a lot of MTD mowers. When the deck belt breaks the large spring that pulls the deck back to tighten the belt. Will pull the deck back to far. This causes the deck to rub on the rear tires making the mower hard to push and the lift lever won't completely raise the deck to close the safety...
  4. K

    Looking for a steering arm 7301337BMYP or kit 770008 for RE210

    I didn't find that part in my inventory. I knew it was a long shot. Most of my parts are 2000 and older.
  5. K

    Toro Timemaster Won't Shut Off

    Not shutting of with the key. Is a sign the park brake interlock module is not working. It's the black box behind the seat under the cross brace. Toro did have the test procedure on their website if you look up your model and serial number.
  6. K

    May part out Wheel Horse 212H

    Trying to decide if I should part out or fix an old WH 212H. Engine is not the orginal. I started it Friday runs pretty good for setting 8 years. Needs all four tires, battery, and a few small items. Hour meter show 700+ hours. Anyone needing parts for an 212H?
  7. K

    Looking For Advice on Maintaining Mower Deck

    Decks will rust out from the bottom side. The grass under the deck will hold moisture and fertilizer residue. Most riding mowers these days have a washout port. You hook a garden hose to and turn the deck on. It does a fairly good job of cleaning it out. I mow a cemetery with a 32" Toro. I mow...
  8. K

    Looking for a steering arm 7301337BMYP or kit 770008 for RE210

    I will check my parts inventory. But I doubt I have that part.
  9. K

    54" ZT Elite leaves strip of uncut grass every other pass

    I bought a 54" two weeks a go. it leaves two strips down the center. I set the governor up from 3340 to 3610. That helped but still leave strips.
  10. K

    Husqvarna w/ Kohler 7000 series 22 hp 2015 , WON'T START, , red L.E.D. TOP BLINKS. replace battery time?

    Don't know anything about the red L.E.D. You might need to adjust your valves.
  11. K

    Fuel leaking from B&S Carb

    You can remove the seat with a paper clip with a small hook on the end. and it won't damage the rubber seat. The needle will over time wear three grooves in the carb from the constant up and down movement. When this happens the needle will not seat correctly and cause carb to run over. A new...
  12. K

    Snapper drive question

    When I was selling Snappers. What held the friction wheel at a certain speed. Was the notches in the quadrant plate on the handle bars.
  13. K

    bad boy mz

    seat switch for sure
  14. K

    Briggs L head runs rich no matter what I throw at it.

    Seems to me dad had a similar problem with two brand new Briggs 12.5hp when he was a Snapper dealer. He ordered high altitude jets and that solved the problem.
  15. K

    Replacement Blade

    That is a Ninja mulching blade. It can be replaced with a normal blade or a Gator mulching blade.
  16. K

    UPDATE: SOLVED! Only runs if tank 1/2 full +?? Carb problem?

    Don't know which carb you have. Some had a screen behind the steel hose nipple. If it has a plastic nipple. I don't think it has a screen.
  17. K

    Craftsman Belt problems

    My guess would be the arm the idler pulley is mounted to is rusted up and not moving correctly. Very common problem on Craftsman and John Deere.
  18. K

    Want to add 12v electric start to 15 year old Snapper Hi-Vac

    I was a Snapper dealer for many years. The simplest way would be to order the correct on/off/ start key switch, starter solenoid, and wiring harness for your model Hi Vac. Unless prices have gone up a lot. $35 should do it.
  19. K

    Snapper Comet Steering Shaft

    I have two junk Snappers. I think they may be too new. Both in the mid 1980's.
  20. K

    Bought an old snapper

    Very few of the rear engine Snappers had an oil filter. If it did it would be easily visible on the side of the engine.
  21. K

    Toro crank case vent

    Noticed when I removed the air filter that there is a very small amount of engine oil in the bottom of the air cleaner assembly. I removed the hose for the crank case vent and found film of oil inside the hose. When the mower sets for a week or longer I see a small cloud of blue smoke out of...
  22. K

    Toro engine surging

    I played with it more today. If I spray a tiny amount of starting fluid on the little black plastic idle jet under the idle speed screw. it will smooth out and run correctly.
  23. K

    Toro engine surging

    My 2019 Toro SS3225 with the Toro built single cylinder engine. Starting surging when it idles. The warmer the engine is the worse it gets. I can manually put the choke on with my finger and it will smooth right out. Starting doing this when I had about 100 hours on the meter this past July. It...
  24. K

    Repairs wiring diagram for R1000 model 247290001

    Where can I find a wiring diagram for a model 247290001 mower? It is a rear engine rider R1000. I've been searching the net for over an hour and nothing.
  25. K

    command pro 17 crankcase vent

    I'm thinking the vent may be plugged or not working. This is a single cylinder OHV vertical shaft kohler 17hp. When it is running there is a lot of smoke coming out of the breather and white milky oil dripping out of the hose that comes out of the valve cover and in to the air filter housing...