Recent content by Tiger Small Engine

  1. Tiger Small Engine

    Honda break in

    Changing oil and filter on any small engine that is brand new after 5 hours makes good sense. Oil changes are cheap and engines, parts, and labor, not so much.
  2. Tiger Small Engine

    Kohler engine problem

    What does “running rough” mean specifically? How many hours? Regular oil changes? Checked the cooling fins and engine for debris by removing shroud and tins? How did you check the ignition coils? Also, need to do a leak down test. 120 plus psi on cylinder should be plenty to run well.
  3. Tiger Small Engine

    What model did I just buy?

    No, I did not miss your first sentence. You could not find model number and I gave you my suggestion.
  4. Tiger Small Engine

    Nikki carburetor 2019 Kawasaki Mule SX KAF400

    A Nikki (single cylinder) carburetor is like a Kohler Courage (single cylinder) engine, problems. Nikki carburetors are prone to leaking and hydro locking the engine, more difficult to clean and rebuild, and just generally a pain. I have had good results with aftermarket Nikki carburetors when...
  5. Tiger Small Engine

    What model did I just buy?

    Take a flashlight and look everywhere on mower frame for model number. Do the same for engine. Without the correct model numbers you are shooting in the dark.
  6. Tiger Small Engine

    Photo of ditch please advise!

    That slight slope is nothing for a zero turn. Run it.
  7. Tiger Small Engine

    B & S 18 hp engine surging and popping.

    Clean OEM carburetors again correctly. If you don’t know how to, then take them to a shop. Always want to keep OEM carburetor unless it is too far gone. Also, need to check for air intake leaks.
  8. Tiger Small Engine

    Husqvarna 25 Micron filter 522805401

    Try looking up filter on oil filter cross reference sites online. There are normally several good substitute filters that will work.
  9. Tiger Small Engine

    Sharpening Blades

    I sharpen well over 100 blades per year, not really sure. My main issue is the grinding wheels glazing up and becoming way less effective. I am going to try a grinding wheel dresser tool and see if that helps. I appreciate everyone’s input on this topic!
  10. Tiger Small Engine

    Sharpening Blades

    For a thousand bucks it should work well. That is about 650 cheap 4.5” grinding wheels. The problem for me is less than half the blades I sharpen for customers are straight and need to be sharpened with an angle grinder. I wish there were a catch all great solution. You should see how beat up...
  11. Tiger Small Engine

    Toro Titan MyRide 60 inch no start

    You can light the spark plugs with a torch and blow it out with a blow gun. Doesn’t mean the plugs need to be tossed in the garbage.
  12. Tiger Small Engine

    If the engine will not start, or runs very poorly, try this.

    Rarely does the flywheel key shear. I mean almost never.
  13. Tiger Small Engine

    Toro Titan MyRide 60 inch no start

    Replacing spark plugs is usually unnecessary. You can clean, gap, and blow them out with an air compressor blow gun. Spark plugs in small engines usually last for several years.
  14. Tiger Small Engine

    Sharpening Blades

    I appreciate all the replies and interest in this thread on blade sharpening. Most of my blade sharpening comes from a complete tune up and sharpening the blades being a part of the service. It takes lots of practice to get good at consistently getting a nice sharp blade with an angle grinder...
  15. Tiger Small Engine

    Sharpening Blades

    The flap wheels would have taken all day on blades that are very dull. I tried them and they didn’t work. I have been reading up on grinding wheels getting glazed. The harder the wheel, the easier it is to glaze up. These are cheap wheels I am buying in bulk from online. I will try dressing...
  16. Tiger Small Engine

    2 stroke longevity - how many hours

    It depends, upon a lot of things. How good is the engine to begin with? How is the equipment used and how often? How is the equipment maintained? Sometimes equipment will have a sticker on it with an hour rating. That is how long it is rated to stay within EPA standards. Lucky to get 3-5 years...
  17. Tiger Small Engine

    Sharpening Blades

    I have tried a flap wheel and did a horrible job. Would be good for touch ups, not sharpening dull blades. I switch out grinding wheels frequently. How do you clean a glazed grinding wheel? You may be onto to something here.
  18. Tiger Small Engine

    Mower bogs down too much

    Maybe you should point out the misdiagnosis to the dealer on the clogged cooling fins. Most people do not know how important checking and cleaning the top of engine and cooling fins, on an AIR COOLED engine is. It is good to not be completely dependent on a shop to check things out yourself.
  19. Tiger Small Engine

    Sharpening Blades

    How you can sharpen a blade that is very dull and beat to hell in less than a minute is beyond me. It sometimes takes 10 plus minutes per blade for ones that are really bad. Believe me I do not like spending this much time. Which is why I posted the topic. Surely I can’t be the only shop...
  20. Tiger Small Engine

    Briggs v-twin wont stay running

    If you are saying that fuel trickled out of fuel pump with line removed going to carburetor, when you cranked engine, then you need a new fuel pump. Fuel should shoot out with a nice steady pulse.
  21. Tiger Small Engine

    Sharpening Blades

    If all I did was sharpen straight blades, then I would not have to use an angle grinder. That is why I use an angle grinder on everything. When a blade is bent you can get it close with a sledge hammer and a pair of safety glasses while smacking it on concrete. Of course you can’t get it...
  22. Tiger Small Engine


    Fish- We don’t see you on here that much. How have things been going?
  23. Tiger Small Engine

    Mower bogs down too much

    You need a new dealer. Apparently they can’t take ten minutes to remove engine shroud and check cooling fins for dirt and debris.
  24. Tiger Small Engine

    Broken Con Rod 44N677

    If a person has the time, tools, inclination, and experience, then doing an engine autopsy is really cool and interesting. On the other hand, if you are busy and doing it for a living, it doesn’t pay usually. I am a one person shop and do not offer rebuilds on engines and hydraulic pumps. You...
  25. Tiger Small Engine

    19E412 Fuel Pump Location

    Simply fabricate a small metal bracket and mount to engine for safety.
  26. Tiger Small Engine

    Broken Con Rod 44N677

    Normally connecting rods break from lack of lubrication. Because engine has never “run dry” doesn’t mean it was not run low on oil amount. Good probability that pistons, rings, cylinders, crankshaft and cam have some scoring due to being run with low oil. Also, low oil causes overheating and...
  27. Tiger Small Engine


    If you have actually gotten around 2000 hours in 3 years out of a Stihl trimmer, consider buying a new, or low hour replacement, and keeping the older one for backup. That’s a lot of use in a short time. Lots of commercial guys will change out trimmers every 3-4 years. Vibration should have...
  28. Tiger Small Engine

    Sharpening Blades

    My question refers to customer mower blades. Many of the blades I see on customer equipment are really dull and beat up. It is not uncommon that I have to reestablish the angle and depth on cutting edge the blade is so bad. It can take 15-20 minutes per blade to sharpen correctly. I am not...
  29. Tiger Small Engine

    b/s hard to start

    Also, hopefully you didn’t throw out OEM carburetor. Clean it and install preferably over cheap Chinese carburetor. If linkage adjustment doesn’t solve choke butterfly closing all the way, very occasionally the choke needs to be removed and sanded to get free movement so it will fully close. I...
  30. Tiger Small Engine

    Poulan Pro PR241 Snow Thrower

    You need to drain, syphon, and blow out fuel tank. Water will be all the way at bottom if present. Look for fuel pump coming off of fuel line, if no pump then it is gravity feed. If it will start when giving it a bit of fuel in carburetor, but not stay running, probably has a dirty carburetor...
  31. Tiger Small Engine

    Missing in action ?

    We miss him. Was just thinking about Bertsmobile the other day.
  32. Tiger Small Engine

    Here's something for thought

    Please eliminate the penny. I think all change should be eliminated too. I round all labor and parts costs in $5.00 increments. Keep it simple.
  33. Tiger Small Engine

    Dewalt Generator

    So because the carbon monoxide sensor was bad, Dewalt told you to bring back the generator and get a refund. Now the store has a used generator to sell, instead of having a shop replace the CO sensor under warranty. Seems like a poor decision on Dewalt’s part.
  34. Tiger Small Engine

    ZT48 XL Single click when starting

    With electrical issues, the first place to check is the battery. Make sure the battery is charged and load tested. Make sure terminals are clean and tight. After battery checks out, keep testing. In this case, before replacing the wiring harness, take it to a shop to get it repaired.
  35. Tiger Small Engine

    Husqvarna Z248F belt problems..

    A PTO deck belt should last a minimum of 3-4 years if everything is correct. You need to go through every single pulley, etc. until you find the problem. Also, try calling the manufacturer or other people you know in the business for suggestion. Plan B is tell the customer to take it to another...
  36. Tiger Small Engine


    The great oil debate. Change it at regular intervals. Check oil and keep it at correct level. It isn’t a motorcycle revving out at 13,000 rpms.
  37. Tiger Small Engine

    Kubota GS 200 not running with choke open

    Carburetor still not clean enough or air leak on intake, or both.
  38. Tiger Small Engine

    Drive Belt Tensioner Spring Rattle on 2004 Exmark Lazer Z 44hp17ka

    Video would not load. The pulley should never hit the tensioner spring. If the belt tension is not tight enough, consider buying and installing a new spring. You will damage the spring and pulley if you run it like this long term.
  39. Tiger Small Engine

    Drive Belt Tensioner Spring Rattle on 2004 Exmark Lazer Z 44hp17ka

    When the tensioner pulley rattles against the frame, I have added a piece of hose split and wrapped around the spring and zip tied in the past. May be able to do this for your rattle. Relocating the spring connection point is also an option. Just use common sense on amount of tension on spring...
  40. Tiger Small Engine

    Don't shoot the messenger...

    In the words of Rodney King, “can’t we all just get along?” Let’s don’t take things personally on this or any other forum. We are ultimately here to help each other. When you help someone in life, you make a difference. Everyone needs some help and kindness and guidance in life from time to time.
  41. Tiger Small Engine

    Brand new Husqvarna 125B

    We have been a throw away society for many years now.
  42. Tiger Small Engine

    Turn uphill or downhill on ZTS?

    I have never seen a mowing business running a Cub Cadet zero turn with a steering wheel on any hills, NEVER. There has got to be something more to that then my own personal experience.
  43. Tiger Small Engine

    Craftsman DGS 6500 - needs carburetor

    Same with limiter caps on handheld equipment, low and high adjustments. Occasionally these caps need to be removed to get the air/fuel mixture just right as the equipment ages.
  44. Tiger Small Engine

    Turn uphill or downhill on ZTS?

    Ten years of mowing residential and commercial properties running my own business. Some of it you have to be very careful on and have the right equipment and experience. I would NEVER attempt mowing hills on a riding mower or Cub Cadet zero turn with a steering wheel.