Recent content by OldDiyer

  1. O

    Help with an idea

    If it were me, I'd be looking for a small pickup and with luck it may be 4-wheel drive for winter. At that point you can find a used single place trailer for the lawn tractors as you are now doing more repairs means you will get into snow blower repairs as well and the truck will be better in...
  2. O

    2012 yt3000 Craftsman backfire but won't start

    Just a thought, If the flywheels are the same except for the keyway you may be able to take the old flywheel and the new one to a machine shop near you and maybe they could measure it out and cut a different keyway in the new flywheel. At that point you would have a flywheel that is new and will...
  3. O

    Maintenance Tachometer

    Heres a few photos of what the Tach/Hour meter looks like now that it is done. I also added the clamp so that I could just clamp it onto something.
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    Maintenance Tachometer

    Got a little warmer so tried out the Tach/Hour meter, Like I said I seen the hack on YouTube about the small clamp instead of wrapping the wire and it works just fine, now all I do is clamp on the plug wire and it's good to go. I had the clamp from some other fix it job so was just a time thing...
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    Maintenance Tachometer

    So, Thanks for all the replies and I went with an inexpensive Tach/Hour meter from Ebay. I didn't want to go super nuts so thought this would be OK for what I needed it for and the use I will be giving it. The only thing is you are supposed to wrap the pickup 5 times around the plug wire to get...