Recent content by Northshoredoug

  1. Northshoredoug

    SOLVED: NOT INTERESTED IN WARRANTY ADVISE-27hp 49T877 V-twin rod bearing oil

    Unfortunately some people can't stay on topic! The topic is ROD BEARING OILING on a 49xxxx series, I don't know why people That crank is on the shelf for the time being but I'll definitely drill that oil passage.. the motors reassembled with a good crank and rods and already put into service.
  2. Northshoredoug

    SOLVED: NOT INTERESTED IN WARRANTY ADVISE-27hp 49T877 V-twin rod bearing oil

    Hey guys,, Just to clarify, I bought this in an auction parts lot with other motors. It was already knocking way before I got it I'm not the consumer. I assume they already got a warranty exchange and I'm not looking for any compensation from anyone.
  3. Northshoredoug

    SOLVED: NOT INTERESTED IN WARRANTY ADVISE-27hp 49T877 V-twin rod bearing oil

    Cast, shouldn't be bad drilling, need a .210" bit long enough to reach the rod journal. And a good way to clamp it at the proper angle....but that's what it's looking like.
  4. Northshoredoug

    SOLVED: NOT INTERESTED IN WARRANTY ADVISE-27hp 49T877 V-twin rod bearing oil

    I pulled an identical motor apart... the oil passage to the rod journal is right where it supposed to be. Evidently someone was asleep in the crank drilling dept. This crank has no oil passage to the rod journal.
  5. Northshoredoug

    SOLVED: NOT INTERESTED IN WARRANTY ADVISE-27hp 49T877 V-twin rod bearing oil

    Thanks, On this crank, there's absolutely no passage from the rod journal to the main on the pto side, had a feeling it should have been cross drilled but it wasn't. Must be a factory flaw and that's why the rod was knocking.
  6. Northshoredoug

    SOLVED: NOT INTERESTED IN WARRANTY ADVISE-27hp 49T877 V-twin rod bearing oil

    It's apart and the crank is definitely not drilled from the rod journal to the mains.
  7. Northshoredoug

    SOLVED: NOT INTERESTED IN WARRANTY ADVISE-27hp 49T877 V-twin rod bearing oil

    does anyone know how the rod bearings are designed get oil on a 27hp 49T877 series Vtwin? there's pressure passages from the pump ported thru the case that flows thru the cam to the crank main journals and there are 2 oil holes in the crank rod journal but they dead end there and do not connect...