Recent content by Marty59

  1. M

    2015 YTH22v46

    I found the thermostat. I observed linkage close by yet there was no contact between thermostat and linkage. I observed the mechanism closely and could not see how it worked. After much observation, I noticed a second hole in the mechanism on the carb. I wondered if the linkage had been...
  2. M

    2015 YTH22v46

    Thankyou for your prompt and very informative reply. I will check the thermostat.
  3. M

    2015 YTH22v46

    Briggs and Stratton 22 hp v-twin intek chokeless start , Engine family FBSXS.7242VE Ser# 15 1027 YG 78383 Someone dumped this mower and other things in a Church parking lot. I cleaned carb bowl, new fuel filter, new plugs, air filter, oil and filter change. It is the choke less start. When...