Recent content by kjonxx

  1. K

    Tecumseh LV195SE lawn mower engine won't start.

    If its ohv then its same procedure on .005 on each
  2. K

    Tecumseh LV195SE lawn mower engine won't start.

    When one is down set the other to .010 then turn till set one is down (or valve is open) or set with piston just past top dead center as book calls for.
  3. K

    Tecumseh LV195SE lawn mower engine won't start.

    valves gap is wrong set to .010 on both
  4. K

    19 horse Briggs & Stratton will only run with choke half on

    Run it with choke 1/2 on and run water over intake mount and carb mount to verify no leaks. If its leaking engine rpm will change. I use oil to check as its thicker and won't get sucked in as easily.
  5. K

    Oil coming out fuel pump

    Sounds like maybe oil filled fuel pump to the point it could not pulsate