Recent content by JD14SB

  1. J


    I find that the 2-cycle small engines such as those on a String Trimmer, Leaf Blower, Mini Mantis Tiller, Chainsaw, and Edgers do need Ethanol-free Gasoline. If regular gasoline is used, the metering diaphragm and fuel pump diaphragm in the Carburetor will lose their flexibility. Corrosion can...
  2. J

    Pre mixed fuel vs mix it up yourself

    I am very concerned right now. I let a Friend borrow my "Garden Way" Mini Tiller I recently restored (Vintage 1980). It calls for 24:1 mix ratio of 30 weight. I put my Red Armor 40:1 mixed fuel in it. My Friend is testing out the Tiller as I just got it running again. Hope like heck it...
  3. J

    Pre mixed fuel vs mix it up yourself

    I really think Tru-Fuel had a bad run of product. I ruined my Engine. I had the Shindaiwa T230X, IIRC. It was the Limited Edition in "Blue Plastic". The Trimmer was amazing. Wish I could find another like it.
  4. J

    Pre mixed fuel vs mix it up yourself

    You brought up a hot topic with me. I always buy Ethanol-free Gasoline and mix it 40:1 with Red Armor oil. Never had any issues. I went out-of-State to help out a Friend clean up his yard so brought my 2-cycle equipment but didn't bring Gasoline as I didn't know a good way to transport it. I...
  5. J

    EGO self-propelled mower shutting down with yellow light

    Sorry to write 2 years late. We bought a dead EGO Mower ($58), an LM2100 I believe. The People we got it from said the battery died 1 month out of warranty and the self-propelled feature quit when the Mower was less than 2 years old. The failed Battery was a 7.5 Ah OEM Battery. I read that...
  6. J

    Gas/Fuel mix ratio. 2HP Tecumseh 2-cycle.

    Rivets, I appreciate the insight and advice. I had the Tank full of 40:1 mix and a friend came by and asked, "Do you have a Mini Tiller I can borrow?" I said I just hot this one running so try it out. He left with the mix ratio 40:1. Hopefully the Engine is happy and doesn't incur any...
  7. J

    My Friend got ripped off by the Dealer.

    Friend has a Troy Bilt walk-behind Mower with a 6.75 Briggs Engine. The only way he could start it was using starting fluid. He took it to a Mower notable shop and they said the Carburetor is bad. They put on a new OEM carburetor. He got it back Home and it wouldn't start any better. He took it...
  8. J

    Gas/Fuel mix ratio. 2HP Tecumseh 2-cycle.

    I purchased a Garden Way Mini Tiller at an Estate Sale. It had not run in years. The Tag on the Engine shroud says 8079 so I assume one of those numbers is the year? I should have never fixed it because it needed a Carburetor, Coil and Axle bearings for the Transmission. I rebuilt the Carb...
  9. J

    Dead Mower

  10. J

    Solo 471 KAT Backpack Leaf Blower

    I also own a Solo 635 Chainsaw. Haven't used it a lot but it seems to be a very fine saw. I think the Solo Backpack Blower is ready for the trash. It needs Carburetor work, fuel lines and grommets, and the coil. What I like most is it was very powerful and the engine ran at a lower RPM than...
  11. J

    Solo 471 KAT Backpack Leaf Blower

    Love my Solo Leaf Blower but now the Coil has failed. It's an Oppama Coil in which Solo wants $125 for with shipping. It looks like a C-8241 or a CS241? Hard to read the numbers. Hoping someone has this coil for less than Solo's website.
  12. J

    Let's talk about blade sharpening?

    I sharpen my Blades with a 1" Belt Sander. I have to hold the Blade at the correct angle by hand. I used to sharpen my Blades to a razor edge but one Lawn Mowing, the Blade has lots of dings. So I file a flat edge like was recommended. I have an Oregon Blade Balancer that is imported. It...
  13. J

    Acquired a Toro Pro-line Commercial Mower. Made in 2000.

    I've always wanted a Toro 2-cycle Suzuki Mower. Used to have Lawn Boys in the 80's. I found this Toro Commercial Mower locally and the Guy never used it commercially. My mistake was believing that it runs good, per the seller. Did try it at seller's Home as he didn't have 2-cycle mix. So I...
  14. J

    Toro 22043 Commercial Recycler Mower

    I've always wanted a Toro 2-cycle Suzuki Mower. Used to have Lawn Boys in the 80's. I found this Toro Commercial Mower locally and the Guy never used it commercially. My mistake was believing the seller that it runs good. So I loaded in the car and took it home. Wouldn't start so took off...
  15. J

    HRM-215 Harmony Self Propel issue.

    My HRM-215 with the 3-speed transmission takes some extra effort to roll the mower backwards. I don't know if this is normal? When using the self-propel feature in any gear, it randomly drops out/jerks. It seems random enough that I hope it isn't a failed transmission. I don't know if these...