Recent content by Hammermechanicman

  1. Hammermechanicman

    Sharpening Blades

    Good flap wheels are relatively cheap. I get mine from Supergrit. I buy a dozen or so at a time.
  2. Hammermechanicman

    Sharpening Blades

    The best blades are made of marbain steel. They are OEM on brands like Ferris Scag Grasshopper commercial JD and the like.
  3. Hammermechanicman

    Repair shop needs advice

    As others have said service alone if a one man shop won't pay the bills. Dealerships make their real money on equipment sales and service makes up a small part of their business. I run a shop with almost zero overheadh and make decent money but i have a comfortable retirement income also. I...
  4. Hammermechanicman

    Tec AV520 no spark

    Last grasp at the straws. I believe the engine has an external coil. If so try this. Disconnect the points wire from the coil. Connect an ohm meter to the wire from the points and to ground. Slowly turm the engine and see where the points open and where the flywheel magnets are in relation to...
  5. Hammermechanicman

    Old Bait and Switch happening again...

    Where was the first franchise Kentucky fried chicken?
  6. Hammermechanicman

    Sharpening Blades

    What was horrible about it?
  7. Hammermechanicman

    Sharpening Blades

    Have you compared a 36 grit flap disk to a grinding wheel? A 36 grit flap wheel is nowhere as nice as...
  8. Hammermechanicman

    Sharpening Blades

    A 36 grit flap wheel takes metal off FAST without overheating. I have a Bradley S105 grinder that i don't use any more. Really only works on flat blades and takes way longer than the angle grinder and flap wheel. Blades don't need to be perfectly balanced or razor sharp. Mow with razor sharp...
  9. Hammermechanicman

    Tec AV520 no spark

    If the magneto assy wasn't moved that's good. Moving the mag/coil assy adjusts the engine timing but the points gap is critical to timing the magnets to the coil.
  10. Hammermechanicman

    Tec AV520 no spark

    "I can feel the spark when holding the plug wire and spinning the flywheel by hand" Sounds like the points are slightly out of time with the magnets. Try opening the points gsp a couple thou. If that doesn't help then close a couple thou.
  11. Hammermechanicman

    Sharpening Blades

    Since it holds the angle i can very quickly sharpen the dullest blade to good professional edge in less than a minute. I run a shop and time is money. I have tried a few different sharpeners and the all american is the best bang for the buck for my small shop. A Burr King would be nice but can't...
  12. Hammermechanicman

    Sharpening Blades

    I use an All American sharpener. And 36 grit flap wheel. Takes less than a minute for even the worst blades. Blade off the mower $5. I don't straighten blades.