Recent content by Freddie21

  1. F

    Toro Titan MyRide 60 inch no start

    I've seen many bad plugs, especially if oil or fuel soaked.
  2. F

    Briggs v-twin wont stay running

    50\50% for the cheap carbs for me. At least, a cheap trouble shooting tool. I also will use them for the internal parts to rebuild OEM ones. Just cuz the fuel lines look good, doesn't mean they are. They can close up internally just like your arteries.
  3. F

    Toro Titan MyRide 60 inch no start

    I would pull the spark plugs and replace them. If fuel got into the intake, they may not have fired correctly and caused the backfire. Many mowers can run when you're out of the seat if the parking brake is on and the PTO is off.
  4. F

    Briggs v-twin wont stay running

    Don't jump in and start replacing parts until problem is isloated. As the Guys have suggested, get good flow from the tank at the pump 1st. Inside the tank is where many problems lie. Fuel line from it to the pump, next. Wait on replacing filter till you get good flow. Now the pump. Are...
  5. F

    Kubota GS 200 not running with choke open

    Did you remove all the jets and clean both the jet and the socket? How about the needle and seat? If you're going to blow are thru the gas inlet, not too much pressure as some seats can be blown out. With the carb off and upside down, the float should be parallel to the carb body.
  6. F

    Kubota GS 200 not running with choke open

    Try spraying choke cleaner around the carb and intake are while it is running. If the speed changes, you have found a vacuum leak. Put in all new gaskets. You're not getting enough fuel flow thru the carb or too much air thru a leak. If speed does not change, then clean the carb again making...
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    Poulan Pro PR241 Snow Thrower

    Once running and for storage, I would either change to ethynol free gas, or use a fuel additive and run the engine with the fuel shut off until it stalls. Fuel sitting in the carb over long periods of time will gel and block the jets in the carb. If not there, you will have to install an...
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    Dewalt Generator

    I had a similar setup, but had closeable vents that I would open during the time the generator was running. Why take a chance? Play it safe.
  9. F

    Briggs 16 HP I/C

    Try a leak down test on both cylinders. More accurate than compression especially for ring leak.