Recent content by Frank Woodbery

  1. F

    FJ180V carburetor re-installation help!!

    I'm sorry Kevin, I'm not seeing the parts diagram for this engine. Yeah, expensive carburetor if you had to replace it.
  2. F

    FJ180V carburetor re-installation help!!

    FJ180V-BS13-S photo of it attached.
  3. F

    FJ180V carburetor re-installation help!!

    Here is the engine ID tag. FJ180V BS13-S
  4. F

    FJ180V carburetor re-installation help!!

    It's a Snapper spec engine with a 25mm crankshaft but I don't recall the full model code. Sorry, but I'll look for it.
  5. F

    FJ180V carburetor re-installation help!!

    Good point. I've used this engine reliably for at least 15 years of homeowner service, not commercial. Now that I have the carb off and will pull the shroud off, yes I'll clean everything up as I will have access.
  6. F

    FJ180V carburetor re-installation help!!

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will replace the fuel filter when I get around to this. Good tip on checking the o ring. Seems like it should be less disassembly just to re-install the carburetor.
  7. F

    FJ180V carburetor re-installation help!!

    I recently cleaned the carburetor on an FJ180V. I found that in reinstalling the carburetor it is difficult to snake it around the intake manifold and hook up the throttle/choke linkages. I also don't want to mess up the new gaskets. Is there a simple trick to completely remove the intake...