Recent content by Engine207

  1. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    Sorry it’s been awhile since I posted on my own thread, but had family in for Father’s Day. Now…when I left off, I was able to start the mower by jumping the two solenoid posts together. I havent gone back through and inspected every wire connection with the tester, but I did gamble $25 that it...
  2. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    Thank you. Downloaded!! So we’re narrowing down the culprit here, right? Either the handle sensors saying ‘I’m not in park’ when I’m trying to start, or the ignition switch somehow isn’t letting the current flow to the solenoid? I needed a few spare parts, so I ordered a $25 oem ignition...
  3. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    Oh, gotcha! What I jumped was one solenoid terminal (the one showing 12.6V) to the other (129 mV). It was actually an accident, as I was trying to jump the + post of the battery to both. I have a Hustler Raptor XDX - HTRDXS054KAWFR691VA Model # 939835
  4. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    So I tried the solenoid➡️small solenoid jump test with the battery on run, and it fired right up. Jumper wire got super hot, but it started. I mowed the whole 7 acres without shutting it off (in-flight refueling), but when I was finally done and did turn the key off, it just clicked. Jumper...
  5. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    So, if the starter has turned the engine over, and I remove the jumper, that won’t cut the engine, will it? I’m hoping to get it started, cut the grass, then deal with the permanent repairs (new sensors? ignition switch?).
  6. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    Surprisingly, I’ve not done this before. Can I get a quick walk-through? What wire gauge does the jumper lead need to be? Is there a particular connection order? Do u remove the jumper wire after it starts? Any particular do’s/dont’s, etc?
  7. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    Gotcha. This is to eliminate the solenoid and the starter itself as the problem, yes?
  8. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    I checked the 15A fuse and it’s intact I checked the battery connectionsand there was no corrosion. Voltage at the terminals shows 12.64 volts I checked the chassis ground it’s clean and tight I checked the power from the battery to one of the large terminals on the solenoid. It was 12.54V I...
  9. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    I’ll give you some additional history to consider. The dealer where I bought it told me that the AGM batteries have very short lives without being kept on a trickle. After messing with my last battery for weeks, he just replaced it with the one in there. I’d also previous problem with starting...
  10. E

    Hustlers Raptor XDX help

    Hi all! First post here, so go easy on me, boys! Went out to start my 2021 Hustler Raptor XDX, and all I got was a click. Checked the battery at 12.9V (which had been on a trickle), verified the 15A fuse was good, made sure my deck clutch was pushed down, and my drive arms were fully out. When I...