Recent content by Cusser

  1. Cusser

    Confusion about control cable part number Model 11A-B2RQ711 TB130 XP

    No, I didn't know it was a 2017 model, it was given to me by a neighbor; but now I do ! Thanks.
  2. Cusser

    Confusion about control cable part number Model 11A-B2RQ711 TB130 XP

    Thank you StarTech for the answer and clarification. I had downloaded PDF document MTD Form No. 769-05383 (May 13, 2010); shows on pp. 40-41 part 34, as 946-04670 (pages 2 and 3 on the truncated file I've attached).
  3. Cusser

    Confusion about control cable part number Model 11A-B2RQ711 TB130 XP

    Troy-Bilt Lawn Mower Model 11A-B2RQ711 S/N 1D117K02798 has Honda engine and engine cover states TB130 XP My neighbor gave me this mower, as he hadn't used it in years as he's replaced his grass with rocks. I added gas, cleaned the air filter, started it up and it runs good. However, he...
  4. Cusser

    Yardvacuum Impeller Removal

    Good update !
  5. Cusser

    Head Lights not working

    This is from my LT1000, but a 2005 model, but might help
  6. Cusser

    E150 Electric storage

    Owner's manual
  7. Cusser

    LT2000 won't engage blade.

    I've had where schmutz is preventing the pulley from moving in its slot, so cannot move the pulley into position to put tension on the mowing belt.
  8. Cusser

    Mower cutting out

    Make sure that the choke butterfly is open when it gets hot. I had that stick on my LT1000 B&S engine, added an extra spring to make sure it didn't stay "closed"/rich.
  9. Cusser

    those dang guage wheel shoulder bolts.

    Use Loctite threadlocker.
  10. Cusser


  11. Cusser


    Nothing wrong if you find the other half of the mower blade, carefully weld it the found end on, file off most of the weld, sharpen it, and balance it. Or simply buy a new blade !!!! I've never had that happen and I mow tumbleweeds, not a lawn.....
  12. Cusser

    Mower not running

    Since you have a vague question and didn't supply a model number, I'll give a vague answer: you have a fuel delivery issue. These do not have a fuel pump, feed by gravity; so look for a clog in fuel line or more likely a carburetor jet.
  13. Cusser

    Craftsman walk behind rear wheel
  14. Cusser

    LT1000, How do tighten the Deck Belt.

    I have an LT1000 from 2005, model 917.275371 I use kevlar belt 95” x ½” for both lawn tractor drive belt and for the deck/mowing belt. On mine, there is no way to tighten the deck/mowing belt. There are springs that should take up any slack. I've found on mine that the pulley on the right...