Recent content by cprodave

  1. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    I took the head off and observed some light scoring at one location in the cylinder wall. Soaking for a day or so with Marvel Mystery Oil I got the piston moving freely again. I reassembled and ran a few start/stop cycles. It froze up again. I drained to oil and am now ready to remove the side...
  2. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    As I recall the carbon seems to be dry. So is that oil (not fuel)? Going to be at least a week until I get back hands-on to this project...
  3. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    OK, will do. If I can't get to it tomorrow then it will be at least a couple days until I get this done and advise back. Thanks.
  4. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    I got the head off--bolts not frozen on as I feared. There is a lot of carbon (photo to follow) which MIGHT indicate a stuck valve. I can rotate the Flywheel just a bit which results in the Piston moving up and down about 1/64 to 1/32inch. So I suspect that the Piston is not seized to the...
  5. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    Thanks for the inputs. I will check for these situations. I hope the engine is not "toast".
  6. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    Update: yesterday I ran a couple Start/Stop cycles to see if I could determine exactly where the excess Fuel is coming from. As I went to do another Start cycle the Rope Starter does not move! Engine is acting like it seized-up. This is very surprising because each cycle I ran only a minute or...
  7. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    Rivets, Thanks for the idea. That is actually a pretty good question, not stupid at all. I haven't researched what the factory-recommended spark plug is. I know only that when I purchased this old rototiller it had a very rusted (i.e. seized-in!) Champion CJ8 spark plug so I replaced it with...
  8. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    ILENGINE, thanks for your prompt input. Good to know that 60psi is not unusual for these older engines and that "all is not lost" . If I can find a Head Gasket for this then I will probably clean up the carbon/relap/reset. (this assumes old gasket is not reuseable). Meanwhile I will diagnose...
  9. C

    Old 5HP Rototiller fouling plugs.

    I recently bought an old Southern States brand rototiller that has a 5HP B&S that is hard to start and fouls plugs. Model is 130202, Type 1915 01, Code 84120606. Looking inside the spark plug hole I can see quite a buildup of carbon. Compression is only 60 psi ( I work on a lot of old small...
  10. C

    Belt for Wheelhorse 211-4 Side Discharge Mower Deck

    Hi All, the Mower Belt on my 37inch Side Discharge (2 spindles/blades) is cracked and show signs of failing very soon. Mower was giftet to our son after sitting around 10 years in good dry storage barn. I have the original Operating and Maintenance Instructions for the Mower Deck (as well as the...
  11. C

    Replacing Drive Control Cable 946-04440.

    Thanks for the input but the video you reference is for a front wheel drive vs. Rear-wheel drive (which I am trying to fix). I have replaced belts/cables on the front-wheel drive Troy-Bilts before, but this rear-wheel drive is entirely different design.
  12. C

    Replacing Drive Control Cable 946-04440.

    On Troy-Bilt 21inch 7.75 hp Professional model 12AI869F011 what is the easy way to replace Drive Control Cable 946-04440? I am thinking I can remove the Blade and then Plastic Baffle(s) above the Blade to gain necessary access. Thanks for any advice...
  13. C

    B&S 625EX fouling plugs, guzzling fuel.

    Mower is running fine now. Thanks for the inputs, especially to check for Fuel in the Oil. Oil does not smell like gasoline. I checked Oil "necking" between thumb and Index finder--seems fine, i.e. Oil is not thinned. I had a neighbor who accidentally put gas in his mower's Oil Fill. That did...
  14. C

    B&S 625EX fouling plugs, guzzling fuel.

    I removed about 2 ounces of Oil to get back to within Fill Range. I always keep the cooling fins etc clean (although this was a good reminder). I removed the carb, disassembled it--didn't see any obvious sign of Stuck Float but soaked the carb in Isopropyl overnight, blew out all passages and...
  15. C

    B&S 625EX fouling plugs, guzzling fuel.

    This engine on my TroyBilt TB200 mower is suddenly fouling plugs and doubling fuel consumption. Was previously mowing whole lawn in 1/2 tank fuel. Now it uses more than 1 tank to complete the job. RPM'S cycle up and down more now vs. before. Oil level remains fine, possibly slight overfill but...