Recent content by adams

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    Echo CS680 Chainsaw - spike bumper

    Well filled the hole and the screw in now secured again. Time will tell if this is a long term fix, done with the saw far as a I know so will see what happens next spring when Firewood gathering starts up again.
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    Echo CS680 Chainsaw - spike bumper

    Thanks for the reply. I was wondering what was behind the hole as I was thinking if there was a possibility of drilling and tapping the hole deeper to use a longer bolt. The case looks like it would become to thin after drilling for a helicoil or time sert type repair so I am thinking your...
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    Echo CS680 Chainsaw - spike bumper

    Was servicing my saw and found that the upper screw for the bumper spike had come loose and egged out the screw hole, so it does not tighten down anymore. So anyone else found a fix for this other then replacing the whole crankcase?