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ZT 2200 transaxle binding up




Bought this 54" Husky new, and been really satisfied. But now, at 480 hours, I smelled rubber from the belt slipping on the right tranny. I managed to get it in the shop with it screeching. I jacked it up, and with brake off the left wheel will move slightly, but the right one did not budge. I took both fill plugs out, and can see that both have the right, and same amount of fluid I suppose it needs rebuilding. Any suggestions? Thanks




Hey guys - never mind. I found out that I put the rear wheel on backwards, and it was rubbing on the frame. Now I know that you have never done anything that stupid, and I hate to admit it.......... but, just in case you hear a drive belt slipping, I hope that you are as relieved as I was to find the simple cause. I knew transaxle repair, or replacement can be very hard and challenging, or expensive, or both. I am glad I caught it before I started dissembling. I tried the purging first. Then, when I took the wheel off, I noticed that the axle and hub would actually move slightly, whereas, when the wheel was on, there was zero movement. I now have a big smile on my face while mowing. What a pleasant relief. We hope some of your problems can be so simple.








Hey guys - never mind. I found out that I put the rear wheel on backwards, and it was rubbing on the frame. Now I know that you have never done anything that stupid, and I hate to admit it......
Don't count on it...I have done some pretty dumb things and could also slap myself silly when I do.




Don't count on it...I have done some pretty dumb things and could also slap myself silly when I do.
Ha, ha - thanks. Nice knowing I am not alone, At least there was no damage. Thank you




I worked with a guy who installed a WD Allis ring gear on the wrong side of the pinion. He had one forward speed and four in reverse.




I worked with a guy who installed a WD Allis ring gear on the wrong side of the pinion. He had one forward speed and four in reverse.
A mechanic got my old Harley 45 hand shift backwards after working on the transmission, ha. Guess there isn't anyone who accomplishes something, that doesn't make crazy mistakes, ha. Thanks.
