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ZD-28 fuel pump




Hello there
I replaced the fuel pump on a 2006 zd28 about 4 years ago with one I bought off Amazon. It went out the other day and I again replaced with an inexpensive one I bought off amazon. Two mows in and now it failed. My question is did I just buy a lemon or could something be burning them out and is there a way to check if they are getting a spike and frying




Most experienced technicians on this site will tell you that buying parts on AmaScam is a crap shoot. Most of us won’t do it. Many times it ends up costing more when you include labor and down time. I know it may initially cost more, but I don’t worry about will it last.




And last year there were very large batch of these hockey puck pumps that were being shipped bad. I got 5 from Oregon and Rotary had so many bad ones that they started they own testing and had to pull all of them until problem was resolved. They simply couldn't some of the EPA required additives that some fuel suppliers were adding to the fuels.

On the Oregon I lost two while testing until I did a complete fuel change. Return the mower with a full tank. A week later it was back after the customer refilled the tank, I replaced both the pump and fuel. This time I told him to change where he was get ting his fuel. Haven't had a problem since.




I knew that I was buying cheap but still went with it, hard headed I guess, lesson learned
