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Z425 R&R hydrostatic pump fan?




Just got home to find my lawn mower in the middle of the lawn. Kid left it there when it started making noises. Checked it over and found the drive belt "safety" keeper had come unhooked and was laying on the drive pulley and had taken all the blades off the fan.

Looking at it briefly, it looks like I can't get that fan off of there easily. Need to take the whole drive line out? Anyone know the procedure to replace the fan MIA11961?

Thanks a lot...





Ditto. Not the same model though. I think I have a pretty good warrantee claim. The belt catcher is actually fractured at the rivet. Not unclipped. Vibrated apart and took the fan with it. Going to pitch a bit of a fit if they try to deny it. "Bumper to bumper"
