Model 17AI5BHB010 quit moving. The hydraulic pump is not activating when the brake lever is released. Is there something I should look for before I take it into a repair shop? I am the mayor of a small town...with little tax base...and this is the mower that was purchased a few years back to mow our cemetery with. I had it tuned up at last month and thought it was ready to go for the year.
Is there a fuse that could have blown that activates the hydraulic pump? Possibly the switch went bad?
Is both rear wheel not moving? If so it maybe the belt that drives the two hyd tranys. Look under the rear of tractor, above the PTO clutch. There is a 1/2" belt should be tight.
Yes, both rear wheels will not move. When the brake lever is released, you can not hear the hydraulic's activating like you could before. I will check the belt but just want to make sure that it is not activated electrically like the PTO is.