This time regarding the 2 studs that fit through the elbow intake tube to the carb itself. What size are these two studs as they were thrown away before I got hold of the motor?
Thanks Rivets, I'm looking at the elbow manifold at the moment and it appears it needs studs that are approx. 3" long. Where would I be abe to get these from?
Ok, probably a 12 X 24 or 12 X 32 screw, not a stud. Go down to any hardware store and you should be able to get them, nothing special. Some of the real old ones had a bolt and nut.
Rivets, thanks for your continuing help. I know this sounds like a daft question, but I don't know what the 12 X 24 or 12 X 32 screw measurements actually are. Does the 12 mean diameter and the 24 or 32 mean length?
In the smaller screw sizes, numbers are used instead of fractions. 12 is the screw size and 24 or 32 is the number of threads per inch, depending if it is fine or course.