You're using the wrong blade if it won't. But seriously, back during the pandemic, I was laid off from my job as a heavy truck body repair tech and my employer told me to expect call back when the truck lines got back to actually having freight to move, so laying me off was the best option for me because I'd be able to get unemployment insurance. Of course, I'd have to do job searches and one of the job listings was for a CubC repair and setup man at a local dealer. They were going to pay $7.50 an hour. You can bet they were looking to hire the best possible mechanic they could get for that wage. When one takes their equipment in to have it repaired, one may pay top dollar,$100+ an hour for the repair, but you're getting a $7.50 an hour repair. This is dealers, mind you. Go to someone who CARES.(StarTech and others)